Worms: Spiel- und Festhaus (old)

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Rheinland-Pfalz
City: Worms
Location: Festhausstraße / Bahnhofstraße

Built 1888-1889 by Otto March. Opened 20 Nov 1889 with Hans Herrig's "Drei Jahrhunderte am Rhein". 1906 stage rebuilding, extension by a warehouse wing. Stagehouse destroyed by a fire in 193?. 1934 stagehouse rebuilding and extension, and interior rebuildings (e. g. replacement of the rear organ and choir gallery in the auditorium by seats) by Walter Köhler. Destroyed by bombs on 21 Feb 1945. 1184 seats.

[1963-1966 a new "Spiel- und Festhaus" was built on the site. 2011 extended and renamed "Das Wormser".]

Links: EUTA, Wikipedia

Worms: Spiel- und Festhaus (old) Front Text: "Restauration des Städt. Spiel- u. Festhauses. Inh. CarlHeckel, Worms a/Rh.", "Städt. Spiel- u. Festhaus", "Städt. Spiel- u. Festhaus (Inneres)", "Gruss aus Worms"
Publisher: Verlag von Christian Herbst, Worms 1898
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Worms to Horchheim, 1900

Worms: Spiel- und Festhaus (old) Front Text: "Worms, Das Festspielhaus"
Publisher: Louis Glaser, Leipzig; 9916
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Worms to Unter-Eschbach bei Köln, 1903

Worms: Spiel- und Festhaus (old) Front Text: "Worms, Festhaus-Strasse mit Festhaus (Theater)"
Publisher: Reinicke & Rubin, Magdeburg; 1904
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Worms to Butzbach, 1904

Worms: Spiel- und Festhaus (old) Front Text: "Worms, Festspielhaus"
Publisher: WKM; 32976
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Worms: Spiel- und Festhaus (old) Picture: model of the theatre as rebuilt in 1934
Front Text: "Wormser Spiel- und Festhaus"
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Worms: Spiel- und Festhaus (old) Picture: foreground: theatre after the 1934 rebuilding, background: Worms cathedral
Front Text: "Worms a. Rh., Festspielhaus mit Dom"
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Sent: from Worms to Chemnitz, 1939

Worms: Spiel- und Festhaus (old) Reverse Text: "Gaststätten im Städt. Festspielhaus Worms, Mozartsaal mit anschließendem Wintergarten, Tägl. Künstlerkonzert - Inh. Karl Bader - Tel. 3720"
Publisher: Verlag Photo-Blumberger, Worms
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/2153