Paris: Moulin Rouge

Country: France
Region: Île-de-France
Department: Paris
City: Paris
Location: XVIII.; 82 boulevard de Clichy / place Blanche

Opened 6 October 1889. First used for balls and performances of the famous "French Cancan", subsequently used for operetta performances, revues, and as a cinema. Since 1955 used for "dinner-spectacles".

Links:, Wikipedia

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: "Moulin Rouge. Samedi 23 Janvier. Grande Redoute à 11 heures. La Bohème Artistique. Défilé Allégorique. Dessiné par Roedel. Entrée: 3 Francs", signed: "Roedel"
Reverse Text: "Grande Redoute - Moulin Rouge"
Publisher: Ovet, Paris; A/544
Type: modern reproduction of an 1895 poster
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Reverse Text: "Quadrille at the Moulin Rouge (1892). Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901). 0.801 x 0.605 m. Chester Dale Collection. National Gallery of Art, Washington"
Handwritten Reverse Text: dated 1980
Type: 20th-century reproduction of an 1892 painting
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Reverse Text: "Der Engländer im Moulin Rouge, 1892. The englishman at the Moulin Rouge, 1892. L'anglais dans le Moulin Rouge, 1892."
Publisher: Villa Arte, Hamm; Postcardbook Toulouse-Lautrec, Bestell-Nr. 249-17
Type: 21st-century reproduction of an 1892 painting
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: "Moulin Rouge. Théâtre Concert. Direction P. L. Flers. Tu marches? Révue d'Adrien Vély. 2 Actes. 10 Tableaux."
Reverse Text: "[...] This evocative poster was by the Paris artist, Jules-Alexandre Grün (1868-1938)"
Publisher: Mumbles Railway cards; MRP/105
Type: modern reproduction of a 1903 poster
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: "Le Moulin Rouge"
Publisher: Revue Le Monde Moderne, Paris
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: "Paris. - Le Moulin-Rouge, le soir.", signed: Georges Stein
Publisher: Patrons Patissiers réunis de Belgique
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Picture: main picture: Moulin Rouge, vignettes: Alhambra, Opéra (Palais Garnier), Cabaret Au Lapin Agile
Front Text: "Paris la nuit"
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: to Vannes [postmark illegible]

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: "Moulin-Rouge-Palace", "La Façade - The Frontage"
Publisher: Societé Nouvelle d'Art et de Décoration, Paris
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: "Moulin-Rouge-Palace", "Le Théâtre - The Theatre"
Publisher: Societé Nouvelle d'Art et de Décoration, Paris
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: "Moulin-Rouge-Palace", "Le Promenoir - The Promenade"
Publisher: Societé Nouvelle d'Art et de Décoration, Paris
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: "La Salle de Fêtes"
Publisher: Societé Nouvelle d'Art et de Décoration, Paris
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: "Paris - Le Moulin Rouge", sign: "Madame Mephisto", "Moulin Rouge"
Publisher: C. Malcuit, photo-édit., Paris; CM 54
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Reverse Text: "Michel Delacroix, La sortie du Moulin Rouge"
Handwritten Reverse Text: dated 1991
Publisher: Arcaldion, Cachan
Type: reproduction of a 1980s(?) painting showing an early 20th-century scene
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: signs on left building: "Moulin Rouge Cinema", "Spectacle permanent", "Grande Vedette"; signs on right building: "Bal", "Moulin Rouge"
Reverse Text: "Paris... en flanant - Bal et Cinéma du Moulin Rouge"
Publisher: Editions d'Art Yvon, Paris
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Reverse Text: "Les féeries noctur[nes de] Paris. Le Moulin Rouge"
Publisher: Editions d'Art Yvon, Paris
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: to Chénelette [stamps and postmark removed]

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: signs: "Moulin Rouge", "Cinemascope", "Pierre Brasseur Michelle Mor[gan]"
Reverse Text: "Paris, Le Moulin Rouge"
Publisher: Edition Galf, Paris; 51
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: "Nous pourrions être mieux placés..."
Publisher: Imprimé en France; Photochrom; 395
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: sign: "Moulin Rouge", banner: advertising the 1960 film "La dragée haute"
Reverse Text: "Paris - Le Moulin-Rouge. The Red Mill."
Publisher: Lyna, Paris; 590
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Paris to Corveissiat, 1985

Paris: street performers Reverse Text: "Les Musiciens", signed: Lisa
Publisher: Editions C'est Paris, Paris; 1968
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Paris: street performers Reverse Text: "Le Musicien", signed: Lisa
Publisher: Editions C'est Paris, Paris; 1969
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: signs on left building: "Moulin Rouge", "Jerry Lewis - Tony Curtis"; signs on right building: "Bal du Moulin Rouge"
Reverse Text: "Paris, Le Moulin Rouge"
Publisher: E. du G.
Size: Modern
Sent: from Neuilly-sur-Seine to Senne (Germany), 1969

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: "Paris", sign: "Moulin Rouge", poster: advertising the 1972 film "Barbe-Bleue" [Bluebeard]
Reverse Text: "Paris, par delà le Moulin Rouge, la Butte Montmartre que domine la Basilique du Sacré Coeur"
Publisher: Editions Chantal, Paris; 664
Size: Modern
Sent: from Paris to Dundede (Scotland), 1989

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: sign: "Moulin Rouge", poster: advertising the 1973 film "La Bataille de la Planète des Singes"
Reverse Text: "Paris, Le Moulin Rouge, The Moulin Rouge, Moulin Rouge, Il Moulin Rouge, El Moulin Rouge"
Publisher: O.V.E.T., Paris; 501
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: "Le Moulin Rouge"
Reverse Text: "Paris, Le Moulin Rouge"
Publisher: Image'In Editions
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: "Paris"
Reverse Text: "Paris - Le Moulin Rouge"
Publisher: Yvon, Paris; 36 75 0933
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Reverse Text: "Le Moulin Rouge, cabaret, Paris XVIII, Image G.B HK, Robert Ricart"
Publisher: N13 Cardxs; Just Now Paris; Réf. PP105
Size: 8.8 x 10.7 cm
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: "Paris", "Moulin Rouge"
Reverse Text: "Paris - Place Blanche et Moulin Rouge"
Publisher: Ovet, Paris; A/399-A99
Size: Modern
Sent: to Saint-Marcel-d'Ardèche, 2010

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: "Paris"
Reverse Text: "Paris et ses merveilles... Le Bal du Moulin Rouge, place Blanche."
Publisher: Editions A. Leconte, Ivry-sur-Seine; 101.379
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: "Paris"
Reverse Text: "Paris et ses merveilles... Le Moulin Rouge, place Blanche."
Publisher: Editions A. Leconte, Ivry-sur-Seine; 101.502
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Front Text: inscription: "Moulin Rouge", marquee: "La Vie en Rose"
Reverse Text: "Paris est une fête [...]"
Publisher: Bénart Editions / Arben Selimi; Collection Monuments de Paris
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Publisher: Edition Tausendschön, Mils; PK 598
Type: Glitter Card
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Reverse Text: "Le Moulin Rouge - Galerie Paris", signed: Chaudon [Matthieu Chaudon])
Publisher: Ligne Noire; 2019
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Paris: Moulin Rouge Reverse Text: "'Patchwork Sydney Opera House', Steph Dekker"
Publisher: Tula Moon; WW22
Type: folded greeting card
Size: 15.0 x 10.5 cm (folded)

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