Fritz Wunderlich - The Great German Tenor

Guestbook 1997/1998

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Danke für die Blumen, Moritz, hier die Antwort(en):
Gute Nachricht: es ist bekannt.
Schlechte Nachricht: nein, es liegt keine vor. Er hat sie auch nie im Konzert gesungen, sie sich wohl für später aufgehoben.
PS: Die angegebene E-Mail funktioniert uebrigens nicht.

Ravensburg, Germany - Thursday, December 31, 1998 at 16:59:26 (MEZ)
There are tenors, and then there is Herr Wunderlich. Incomparable. The "ping" and presence on that A"ich grolle nicht"; the insanely long phrases of his Dies Bildniss; no other tenor should have recorded Das Lied von der Erde after his. And he could sing so tenderly, too. What that man did for Lieder should be extolled for generations. Alas, no telling what other jewels he may have produced had he lived...WOW!!!
Gary Ruschman <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Wednesday, December 30, 1998 at 23:46:25 (MEZ)
Lieber Andreas, dies ist eine sehr informative und würdige Website. Ist bekannt, ob eine Aufnahme der "Winterreise" mit Fritz Wunderlich vorliegt?
Moritz von Bredow <bredow@comcom>
Berlin, Germany - Wednesday, December 30, 1998 at 17:16:40 (MEZ)
Fritz Wunderlich was absolutely one of the greatest tenors to have walked on this planet. I especially cherish his recording of Schumann's Dichterliebe.
José Ruiz <>
Bronx, NY USA - Tuesday, December 29, 1998 at 04:08:28 (MEZ)
Fritz Wunderlich's supporting roles the Der Fliegender Hollander and Tannhauser were so disctively superio in purity of tone and clarity of diction that I wondered why he was not singing the tenor leads in both operas. Friends who saw and heard him in Europe were ecstatic about his vigorous tenor. I had ordered tickets for his Metropolitan Opera debut in New York, and was horrified at his sudden death. He was, in my opinon, the closest tenor to Jussi Bjoerling in stature and greatness.
Brian Richard Boylan <>
Minneapolis, MN USA - Saturday, December 26, 1998 at 06:17:25 (MEZ)
I have been listenting to Wunderlich and read about him for a long time. I like to share the passion and experience with you.
CoBoL <>
Taipei, Taiwan - Wednesday, December 23, 1998 at 16:58:24 (MEZ)
It is so sad that the younger generation of today does not have the opportunity to hear the genius of tenors such as Fritz Wunderlich.
I was born and raised in New York City and spent every evening standing to hear the very best opera had to offer. This past Thanksgiving, my sister treated me to a performance of "Boheme" at the Met. I left feeling If Only the Zefferelli sets could sing it would have been a perfect performance.
I went home and put on a recording of Mr. Wunderlich to cleanse my ears. He had a voice like an angel.

Maria DeMeo <>
Towson, MD USA - Friday, December 18, 1998 at 21:23:12 (MEZ)
Bin echt begeistert, vor allem weil ich als Richard-Strauss-Fan Informationen über noch unveröffentlichte aufnahmen erhalten habe. Herzliche Grüße
Klaus Zahn <>
Berlin, - Thursday, December 17, 1998 at 00:45:09 (MEZ)
I am still hoping to obtain a copy of the photograph taken of Fritz Wunderlich and Mario Lanza together in Munich, 1958. In reply to previous guest who commented on these two great tenors, may I say that Fritz Wunderlich was a great fan of Mario Lanza and this is surely the reason he recorded Lanza's greatest hit "Be My Love". In fact this is the only recording I have of Wunderlich where he sings in English. Are there any more?
Steve Cutler <>
Sydney, NSW, Australia - Tuesday, December 15, 1998 at 11:17:19 (MEZ)
I like Fritz Wunderlich very much. It's good to find all these messages
Bouke Postma <>
Arnhem, Nederland - Monday, December 14, 1998 at 21:22:22 (MEZ)
I would like to hear more - truly a great talent with such a lyric instrument... perhaps a new reissue soon with 20-bit mastering?
David Dickeron <>
Tacoma, WA U.S.A - Sunday, December 13, 1998 at 02:54:51 (MEZ)
Danke schon, mein Herr! (Yes, I am 1/4 German. This keyboard is not language compliant ...) I did not know of this tenor before; will look for some recordings. Am a Jussi Bjorling and Andrea Bocelli fan-atic, but enjoy other tenors too. Always good to hear about new ones - unfortunately one who died long ago and far too young, in this case.
Wilton, CT US - Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 22:55:02 (MEZ)
To compare Mario Lanza and Fritz Wundelich, in terms of beautful sound and timbre, is a wise remark! Both had the wide and exceptionally beutiful tone! It is a pity that the great Mario Lanza did not have the magnificent voice training Fritz Wunderlich had.
Thanks. Evelio Sierra

Evelio Sierra
Miami, Fl. Citizen of USA - Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 14:48:41 (MEZ)
Please try to include video and/or audio clips - otherwise, an excellent site.
Samuel Dominianni <>
Indianapolis, IN USA - Sunday, December 06, 1998 at 22:08:46 (MEZ)
Almost everything FW recorded was superb, as we all know. His way with Bach, Mozart, Schubert & Schumann was matchless. But, my three (current!) favorite recordings are the overwhelmingly exciting "Granada" on DGG, the youthfully exuberant ""Freunde, das Leben is lebenwert" from Lehar's "Giuditta," and the romantic Fenton's serenade from Nicolai's "The Merry Wives of Windsor," both on EMI. Do you have two or three favorites? Best to all--Malley Patrick Keelan
Malley Patrick Keelan <>
Lincoln, NE U.S.A. - Sunday, December 06, 1998 at 21:08:08 (MEZ)
What a wonderful website, thank you for all of the information. It's so nice to see all these people across the world enjoying this tenors' glorious gift, thanks again.
Gregory Cross
Brooklyn, NY USA - Friday, December 04, 1998 at 19:55:16 (MEZ)
I'm a tenor in choir at The Norwegian Opera in Oslo, and as a tenor myself I think Fritz Wunderlich was and will stand as one of the best tenors this century.
Jan-Erik Sääv <>
Oslo, Norway - Sunday, November 29, 1998 at 14:37:07 (MEZ)
Tyler Stevens <>
Kaysville, ut usa - Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 23:09:05 (MEZ)
A wonderful site, with much to read. Please, put some tracks of the great tenor on the site, and this would be absolutely perfect!
Christian Juslin <>
Mariehamn, Finland - Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 16:51:18 (MEZ)
Congratulations to all of us! Good to have this site! Is there any "Fritz Wunderlich Society" or something similar?
achim schleip <>
Düsseldorf, Germany - Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 13:41:15 (MEZ)
Congratulations! I was talking yesterday to a music critic and told me of this page. I am glad to see people all over the world people love Fritz: superb voice, great opera singer - Tamino!- great in oratorio and extraordinary in lied. His death was a tragic loss: he had so much to give!
Rafael Cowley <>
Valencia, Spain - Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 13:00:55 (MEZ)
Can anyone help me please. I help run the Australian Mario Lanza Society. We are searching for a photograph of Mario Lanza and Fritz Wunderlich together taken at Lanza's Munich concert on January 27, 1958. I saw this photo many years ago in a German magazine. We would love to get a copy of it.
Steve Cutler <>
Sydney, NSW, Australia - Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 11:59:23 (MEZ)
When, as a young tenor in 1966 I first heard the golden voice of Fritz Wunderlich, I knew he possessed a unique and memorable talent. Only Mario Lanza, Giuseppe di Stefano and Jose Carreras (in their younger years) possessed the same beautiful and charismatic tenor sound. Many thanks to this wonderful website for honoring him.
Malley Patrick Keelan <>
Lincoln, NE USA - Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 08:25:30 (MEZ)
In the summer of 1978 I heard a scratchy tape of Fritz somebody singing the love duet from something called La Boheme...and I was hooked! Twenty years and hundreds of CD's later, Wunderlich still is number 1 for me.
Mark R. Mills <>
Brandon, MS USA - Tuesday, November 24, 1998 at 00:37:58 (MEZ)
Fein gemacht, als Wunderlichfreund kann man sich über eine solch liebevoll gestaltete Homepage nur freuen.
Armin Diedrich
München, G - Monday, November 23, 1998 at 15:46:10 (MEZ)
la sua voce rimane sempre nel mio cuore !!
oscar tartarini <>
bologna, italia italia - Thursday, November 19, 1998 at 00:00:37 (MEZ)
Was kann man noch sagen? Als ich diese Seite zum ersten Mal gesehen habe, habe ich die Zeit total vergessen. Ich höre kaum noch andere CD's, als welche mit FW und war von dieser Seite sehr beeindruckt; ich hatte bis heute nichts vergleichbares gefunden. Danke.
Ricarda Hilf <>
Bielefeld, Deutschland - Thursday, November 12, 1998 at 23:07:03 (MEZ)
Nice web site
Lisa Wunderlich <>
Minnesota, - Wednesday, November 04, 1998 at 23:46:37 (MEZ)
When I "discovered" Fritz Wunderlich for myself in the early seventies, I tried to find out something about his life, but that was much more difficult then than it is today. I wish I could have had this web site at that time! But still today I was so impressed and glad to find this, seeing that a young man, who was even born after Wunderlich`s death, has done this enormous work in order to keep his memory alive, and also seeing that there are many people all over the world sharing my admiration and love for this singer's voice and art. I never read a better description of it than that of Juan Lewis in his guest book entry: "... a voice that shines in the dark." Thank you, Andreas, for this web site!
Barbara Gertkemper <>
Germany - Monday, November 02, 1998 at 17:03:23 (MEZ)
It's very happy I could find nice HP of Fritz Wunderlich! Danke!!!
Yuko Fukushima <>
Shiga,Otsu, Japan - Saturday, October 31, 1998 at 16:40:41 (MEZ)
It's very happy I could find nice HP of Fritz Wunderlich! Danke!!!
Yuko Fukushima <>
Shiga,Otsu, Japan - Saturday, October 31, 1998 at 16:40:26 (MEZ)
Fritz is worth it.He deserves an Andreas. Well done! FW is the greatest of them all tenors.
andré meulman <>
Apeldoorn, NL - Thursday, October 29, 1998 at 23:45:28 (MEZ)
What else can I say ? Thanks a lot for supporting the memory of the best tenore " di grazia " ever appeared on stage. For me, both as a listener and as a singer, he is still the UNION of technique and inspiration.
Claudio Merlo <>
Milano, Italy - Tuesday, October 20, 1998 at 02:09:00 (MESZ)
Thank you for keeping his legend alive. He is one of the best Tenors that has ever lived. As a young Tenor I only wish that I could have such a voice!
Oliver Mercer
Portland, OR 97202 - Saturday, October 17, 1998 at 23:23:04 (MESZ)
Fritz Wunderlich es probablemente el mejor tenor lirico aleman jamas escuchado.
Gonzalo A. Paez-Montalban <>
San Jose, Costa Rica - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 22:18:37 (MESZ)
I am a great, great admirer of the glorious tenor Fritz Wunderlich. I think that today, we do not hear nearly enough of him as we should. He was one of the greatest tenors of all time and I have never heard another voice that could match his in pure beauty. He had an amazing technique and if he was alive today would be considered just as great as Pavarotti. Thank you so much, Andreas, for helping to keep his music and his memory alive.
Nicole <>
Morrill, Ne U.S.A. - Wednesday, October 14, 1998 at 17:44:31 (MESZ)
If Fritz Wunderlich had not died so young he would have had the notariety that Domingo and Pavarotti have today. He reminded all the listeners with good taste what a truly beautiful voice the lyric tenor is. Only great singers like Bjorling, Ivan Koszlovsky, Gigli and Richard Leech can begin to approach Wunderlich's sound! Thanks so much for keeping his name alive!!! MAG, the Accidental Tenor.
Manuel A. Gutierrez <>
Boynton Beach, FL USA - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 03:45:27 (MESZ)
I have really enjoyed visiting this website today - my first venture on the internet.. My two favourtie singers in the world are Mario Lanza and Fritz Wunderlich. Thank you to the person who created this webpage.
Steve Cutler
Sydney, NSW Australia, - Monday, October 05, 1998 at 03:32:31 (MESZ)
Ich habe im Alter von 15 Jahren - nach Hören Seines " Granadas " den Zugang zur Klass. Musik gefunden!!
Dietmar Krawczyk <>
Wuppertal, d - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 07:28:44 (MESZ)
I have enjoyed the wonderful voice of Fritz Wunderlich over a number of years. What a marvellous technique he had. I have also enjoyed the comments of H.Giesen, H.Prey and D.Fischer-Dieskau.
Josiah Erickson <>
Perth, W.A. Australia - Friday, September 25, 1998 at 09:40:31 (MESZ)
Being a Fritz Wunderlich aficionado for many years, I was so happy to find this fantastic home page. It is informative, but also humanly touching. - When Fritz Wunderlich died, I was just 4 years old; thus I only know his voice from the record and the CD. I think he had one of the greatest voices of the century. - It is also great to find out this way that all around the world people still are admiring this great singer. Andreas, thank you very much for having constructed such a great home page. Paul Krammling
Paul Krammling <>
Kottgeisering, Germany - Monday, September 21, 1998 at 18:47:16 (MESZ)
Gorgeous voice.
Andrea Balosky
- Saturday, September 19, 1998 at 01:44:25 (MESZ)
MIAMI, FL. U.S.A. - Wednesday, September 16, 1998 at 15:27:55 (MESZ)
Still miss this wonderful singer and this excellent voice. I'm grateful for his recordings. It is such a beautiful voice, that only God could have created it. I thank Him
James Lamb <>
staten island, NY USA - Thursday, September 10, 1998 at 02:26:30 (MESZ)
Tenor at Bayerischer Rundfunkchor in Munich
Rudolf Bachmaier <>
Bad Aibling, Germany - Tuesday, September 08, 1998 at 15:05:15 (MESZ)
I wish I hadn't given away all my recordings...What a great voice and America missed his debut because of his untimely death.
Edward Hartman, Walnut Creek CA, U.S.A. - Monday, September 07, 1998 at 05:43:35 (MESZ)
er ist und bleibt der MEISTER !!!
maurizio matteo <>
zurich, ch ch - Saturday, September 05, 1998 at 22:33:15 (MESZ)
Allow me to add my name to your guest book's many admirers of Wunderlich. Your site is an excellent model for what should be set up for other great singers. Herman Prey's recollections are of particular interest. Thank you.
Don Nestler <>
Havertown, PA USA - Friday, August 28, 1998 at 16:34:56 (MESZ)
Fritz Wunderlich's widow, Eva, must be a lady in her 60's now, and he had three children, Wolfgang, Constanze and Bärbel, who I think must have been named after the wife of Hermann Prey. Does anyone out there know what happened to his family, and whether any of his children inherited his magnificent voice and wonderful musicianship?
David Powis <>
Inkberrow, UK - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 16:05:32 (MESZ)
I have much enjoyed reading this website. Ihave admired Fritz Wunderlich's recordings for over 30 years. In 1966 I went to the Salzburg Festival, and had tickets for his recital in the Mozarteum, which was sadly cancelled at the last minute. Three weeks later he was dead, aaaand I have always regretted coming so close to hearing him live...
David Powis <>
Inkberrow, UK - Thursday, August 20, 1998 at 17:57:47 (MESZ)
i will never forget the day when i heard the news of his tragic dead.i think we lost a singer who was able to bring more people closer to wagner. he was potentially a great lohengrin,stolzing ,parsifal and siegfried.
jacques van loon <>
bergen op zoom, holland - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 23:31:28 (MESZ)
Excellent site. I'va long been an admirer of Wunderlich's work and now that I have the details I can now look out for some of the recordings I do not have.
Chris Hamilton <>
Cupar, Fife, Scotland - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 08:36:34 (MESZ)
Love Wunderlich voice,eager to read anything i can get myhands on in regards to this incredible talent. I have several CD's in my collection. PS. Thankyou for this Website
Frank J. Vancea <>
Oceanside, Ca USA - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 04:50:04 (MESZ)
I think I should had added my gratitude toward this page and the webmaster as the below followers. I should have done before. "I was moved when I saw this webapge. What is most great webpage is this kind of text written one which is filled with huge and faithful information and most of which is made in personal. I will look after you, Mr. Praefcke."
tajima <>
Tokyo, Japan - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 06:56:40 (MESZ)
Thank you for the web site!
John Andrews <>
Denton, TX USA - Tuesday, August 04, 1998 at 23:39:21 (MESZ)
Bin ein großer Anhänger seiner Kunst!
Martin Exner <>
Graz, Austria - Tuesday, July 28, 1998 at 17:48:19 (MESZ)
Someone passed on the info of the death of H. Prey via the Willhelm Furtwangler e-mail group and showed this address.. Very interesting site.
Morton Berg <>
Ardmore, PA USA - Friday, July 24, 1998 at 04:30:47 (MESZ)
Since I studied with the great Otakar Kraus.....teacher of John Tomlinson, Robert Llyod, Elisabeth Connell etc, and I am graduated from the London opera School, I can say with all the knowledge I have, that Wunderlich is the best tenor I heard...... Nice voice, great technique, and such musicality.... Thanks for this site!
André Ouellet <>
Montréal Qc, - Thursday, July 23, 1998 at 22:14:02 (MESZ)
I never heard him in person, but have loved his voice since the early 60's. Have some recordings and some tapes. This is a beautiful site.
Fred London <>
Wethrersfield, Ct U.S.A. - Thursday, July 23, 1998 at 11:12:43 (MESZ)
Bin sehr beeindruckt von Ihrer in jeder Hinsicht vorbildlichen Web Site. Man kann Ihr Engagement und Ihre Professionalität gar nicht hoch genug einschätzen. Ihre Web Site: Ein Muß für jeden Fan von FW. Herzlichen Dank für Ihre viele Arbeit!
Josef Meimer <>
Regensburg, D Bayern - Monday, July 20, 1998 at 13:22:17 (MESZ)
I have been one of Fritz Wunderlich's greatest admirers since 1966. Over the years I accumulated more than sixty of his recordings, still have them and still play them. There never has been and never will be another voice equal to his. Thank you so much for your tribute to him and the information contained in these pages. I'll be back again and again.
Doris Edwards <>
Morgantown, IN USA - Monday, July 13, 1998 at 04:31:36 (MESZ)
I have been one of Fritz Wunderlich's greatest admirers since 1966. Over the years I accumulated more than sixty of his recordings, still have them and still play them. There never has been and never will be another voice equal to his. Thank you so much for your tribute to him and the information contained in these pages. I'll be back again and again.
Doris Edwards <>
Morgantown, IN USA - Monday, July 13, 1998 at 04:31:04 (MESZ)
In my humble opinion,Fritz Wunderlich is completely comparable to Pavarotti,Domingo and Carerras.
Kristoph Chen <>
Beijing, P.R.China - Friday, July 10, 1998 at 08:31:26 (MESZ)
Herzlichen Dank für die Arbeit. Das ist eine Fundgrube. Genau wie die Dokumentation im SDR. Leider habe ich nicht alle Folgen aufnehmen können .... gibt es Fans, die alle Folgen haben aufnehmen können, oder vielleicht kann ausgetauscht werden ?!?!?!?! Das wäre super!
Petra Habeth <>
München, Germany - Wednesday, July 08, 1998 at 15:57:40 (MESZ)
Fritz Wunderlich will always be remembered as one of the greatest singers to have graced the opera stage.
georgesimko <>
montreal , canadai - Saturday, June 20, 1998 at 04:57:47 (MESZ)
What a fantastic web site to commemorate a truly great singer with a tremendous talent, lost to us far too soon.
Michael Davis <>
Penrith, NSW Australia - Tuesday, June 16, 1998 at 16:09:57 (MESZ)
You have created a wonderful tribute to an extremely talented tenor. Thank you for joining the Celebration of Man Webring.
Jackie van Oostrom <>
Auckland, New Zealand - Tuesday, June 16, 1998 at 10:13:55 (MESZ)
Ich habe Fritz Wunderlich Mitte der 60-Jahre mit einem Liederabend in Ludwigshafen/Pfalz noch persönlich erlebt.
Bodo Grimm <>
Winnenden, Deutschland - Friday, June 12, 1998 at 17:30:28 (MESZ)
Turbogeile Seite ! Alle Achtung ! Weiter so ! Wahnsinn !
Michi & Matko <>
Rafeschburrg, badewiddebesch - Tuesday, June 09, 1998 at 11:55:27 (MESZ)
i have been a fan of fritz for many years and i am delighted to discover this website.
jamesburg, nj united states - Saturday, May 30, 1998 at 13:47:00 (MESZ)
wunderlich is suprisingly popular among the young people in my town. several of us collect his records. i was happy to run into his music when i lived in america this year. there really hasn't been any singer like him since.
guido goertler <>
rodleben, sax-anh germany - Wednesday, May 20, 1998 at 23:14:54 (MESZ)
That is quite true
H. Ronald Rensch <>
Los Alamos, NM USA - Thursday, May 14, 1998 at 20:22:02 (MESZ)
SALT LAKE CITY, UT USA - Wednesday, May 13, 1998 at 02:24:59 (MESZ)
I think I have actually seen the Melodram recording (no. 28026; Judas Maccabeus) in a record shop in London. Though my previous message was dated in my home town -Torrelavega (Spain)- the fact is that I am working at present in England and would be ver y happy to help anyone looking for a specific recording of Wunderlich. Ten days is all you have to let me know, guys, since I am going back to Spain very soon. And just to finish, I will repeat the recommendation I gave in my previous message -sorry it wa s in Spanish-: for those who haven't listened his Dichterliebe yet, what are you waiting for? You can find it very easily in the "Originals" series (DG). It is one of the best recitals by any artist that you will be ever likely to hear.
Darío Fernández Ruiz
Dartford, Kent, England - Monday, May 11, 1998 at 10:40:05 (MESZ)
Peter, the Melodram is indeed in German (I have added the information now), but I do not think it is available anymore. You might want to try one of the reissues of the East German Handel tradition. Judas Maccabaeus is on 2 CDs, Catalog Number: Berlin Classics 9112. Should be available everywhere (it is for ex. at for 19.99 US$, or at for DM 29,95).
Performers are Peter Schreier, Ernst Haefliger, Gundula Janowitz, Siegfried Vogel, Theo Adam, Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra / Helmut Koch.
Best regards

Andreas P. <>
Mannheim, Germany - Friday, May 08, 1998 at 01:34:15 (MESZ)
A very nice homepage, is the recording MEL 28026 in German ? I'm looking for a German version of Judas Maccabaeus for a long time.
Peter Hengstman <>
Purmerend, Netherlands - Thursday, May 07, 1998 at 20:34:49 (MESZ)
Congratulations for the fabulous site. Soy un gran aficionado a la ópera y para mí, tres son los grandes tenores del siglo: Lauritz Melchior (Wagner,)Giuseppe di Stefano (no quiero olvidar a Beniamino Gigli)para el repertorio italiano tradicional y Fritz Wunderlich para Mozart y los lieder. Ayer mismo escuché por primera vez a Fischer-Dieskau cantando Adelaide y ˇDios mío!, ˇqué afectación! Qué maravilla escuchar en cambio a nuestro querido Wunderlich. żNecesito recomendar a alguien que escuche su recital en DG Originals con el Amor de Poeta de Schumann, tres canciones de Beethoven y unas cuantas más de Schubert?
Darío Fernández Ruiz
Torrelavega, Spain - Thursday, May 07, 1998 at 18:10:07 (MESZ)
Ich habe als Jugendlicher in meiner Heimatstadt Kaiserslautern Fritz Wunderlich singen hören, seitdem bin ich ein "FW FAN" (auch FCK Fan). Vielen Dank fuer Eure grossartige FW page.Wenn Ihr FW fans mal in Richtung Washington, DC, kommt, lasst es mich wissen!
Peter K. Schwarz <>
Silver Spring, MD USA - Thursday, May 07, 1998 at 13:11:39 (MESZ)
I' m leaving this message to thank Andreas for his excellent work at creating and keeping this incredible web-site dedicated to this extraordinary singer. I have first listened to Fritz Wunderlich in "Die Zauberflöte" (Böhm conducting) and I was instantly captivated by the utter perfection of his sparkling voice and style. Yes, his voice was radiant, the kind of voice that shines in the dark, but what I found even more impressive was the sheer elegance and naturalness in his singing, flowing gently as the quiet waters of a river do. He was (is) an enormous artist, and I' m certain he could have been even greater if he hadn't departed so soon. Fritz Wunderlich was born to sing and so he did... like nobody else. Again, Andreas, Vielen Dank.
Juan Lewis ("Juan" = "John") <>
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Tuesday, April 28, 1998 at 19:41:20 (MESZ)
was will mein herz noch mehr?
mattias müller
Chur, CH - Tuesday, April 28, 1998 at 15:05:35 (MESZ)
I am a senior at Ball State University, majoring in Vocal Performance. Fritz Wunderlich has long been a model for what voice type is.
Jeffrey Manns <>
Muncie, IN USA - Thursday, April 23, 1998 at 02:42:19 (MESZ)
Creo que Fritz Wünderlich es el más grande cantante que ha existido jamás. Es injusto que su nombre no tenga la popularidad y trascendencia que merece. Felicito a quienes tuvieron la idea de dedicarle esta página
Gabriel Goldenberg <>
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Friday, April 17, 1998 at 20:40:27 (MESZ)
At first thank you very much to administrator of this page. I am a tenor from Turkey and I like to sing German Lied and always F.Wunderlich is my teacher for understanding german vocal style. He is a faboulous tenor of the century. I really learn to german vocalization. Best Wishes for all people of this site. I really thank you again.
Umit Sakman <>
Ankara, - Turkey - Wednesday, April 15, 1998 at 00:56:14 (MESZ)
My ancestors were
Valentine Wunderlich m. Annie Ott
John m. Mary Bluhm
Joseph m. Isabella Schmidt
Ursula m. Alex Kabool
Our Wunderlich family were from Prossitten East Prussia and goes back to 1500. I need one official paper to join Valentine to his Father Franz. My brother Wilf has a home page. Have a look. Would like to hear from you.

Ursula Kabool nee Wunderlich-Schmidt <>
New Westminster , BCA Canada - Tuesday, April 14, 1998 at 19:09:39 (MESZ)
I, too, am a tenor studying at the University of Denver on full-tuition scholarship. I listen to Wunderlich quite often, hoping to imitate his German diction with the same ease and clarity, someday.
Charles V. Johnson <>
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, April 09, 1998 at 00:20:06 (MESZ)
One of the truly great singers of the century. I only wish I could have heard him in person.
Sam Meals <>
Eden Prairie, MN USA - Wednesday, April 08, 1998 at 15:42:13 (MESZ)
Great to see this website, feel in love with Fritz's voice after listening to him and Pilar Lorengar singing excerpts from Butterfly, brought me to him incomparale Mozart, and so on. Vielen Dank!
Chung-Wai Soong <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Friday, April 03, 1998 at 03:04:06 (MESZ)
Un saludo de un admirador de Fritz Wunderlich.
Pedro Miranda <>
santiago , chile - Thursday, April 02, 1998 at 03:36:50 (MESZ)
I am a freshman in college and I am a young tenor. Wunderlich's style gives me something to reach for. One that is quite different than Domingo's or Pavarotti's style. He is my vocal mentor!
David Stephen Brashear <>
Morehead, KY United States - Wednesday, April 01, 1998 at 23:01:57 (MESZ)
Me ha alegrado mucho saber que existe una pagina dedicada al mas grande tenor lirico que nos ha brindado Alemania. Disponer de todos los datos que nos brinda la pagina resulta esencial para el melomano. Muchas gracias a su autor.
Dr. Jose Perres H. <>
MEXICO CITY, DF MEXICO - Thursday, March 26, 1998 at 21:05:34 (MEZ)
Delighted to find a universal site for the admirers of Fritz Wunderlich
Brenda Mansford <>
York, UK - Thursday, March 26, 1998 at 19:54:15 (MEZ)
Gute Seite! Schreib mal wenn Du nach London kommst!
Thomas Krichel <>
Guildford , UK - Monday, March 23, 1998 at 23:59:57 (MEZ)
Viele Grüße vom "great Korbach Tenor"
Klaus Wunderlich
- Friday, March 20, 1998 at 22:29:45 (MEZ)
Vielen Dank für die Bemühungen um diesen viel zu früh gestorbenen Künstler.
Werner Rauchel <>
HH, HH D - Friday, March 20, 1998 at 13:22:07 (MEZ)
Can anything else be said?
Gabriel Bocanegra <>
Boston, MA USA - Wednesday, March 18, 1998 at 19:25:58 (MEZ)
Gratulation und herzlichen Dank für diese Website. Schön zu sehen, wie viele andere Menschen diesen einzigartigen Sänger auch lieben.
Peter Reichert <>
Bremgarten, AG Switzerland - Friday, March 06, 1998 at 23:34:53 (MEZ)
Wunderbarer Sänger, sehr schöne Seitengestaltung.
Danke, daß Du mit Deiner Arbeit dafür sorgst, daß er "lebendig" bleibt.

Josef Nell <>
Rannersdorf, Austria - Monday, March 02, 1998 at 20:35:09 (MEZ)
Great page!! I love it!!!
Jim Russell <>
Pearl River, NY USA - Sunday, March 01, 1998 at 07:39:57 (MEZ)
I´ve spent the last sleepless nights listening to Wunderlich´s marvellous voice. Indeed it´s one of the most beautiful voices of the century. Of the "German" tenors he is for me in the same exquisite group as Peter Anders and Richard Tauber - although his voice and approach to music is quite different.
Lennart Lindgren <>
Oxie, Malmö, sweden - Friday, February 27, 1998 at 21:22:33 (MEZ)
High notes, low notes, legato, portamento . . .the great man celebrated herein was a master of them all! There is no other lyric tenor in all of recorded music history that can surpass the beauty of his effortless golden tones. How could one so perfect leave us so soon? Thank you, Andreas! Maintaining recorded history through this fine web page, the world can celebrate and remember a tenor for all ages--the Great Fritz Wunderlich!
Jay Michael Taylor <>
Anchorage, AK 99507 - Tuesday, February 24, 1998 at 08:05:13 (MEZ)
Thank you for a fantastic page. I love the voice of Wunderlich. I'm a tenor too and he always was a big inspirator for a younge singer.
Fredrik de Jounge <>
Hildesheim, Germany - Tuesday, February 24, 1998 at 00:45:35 (MEZ)
I wish your oll the best

Phil <>
Mannheim, BW Germany - Sunday, February 22, 1998 at 01:14:41 (MEZ)
May you change the title of this page? Put "Fritz Wunderlich - The Great Tenor of the World. Congratulations for your page.
Guilherme V Portari <>
Araraquara, SP Brazil - Saturday, February 21, 1998 at 07:44:49 (MEZ)
I'm also a fans of Fritz Wunderlich. Your homepage is very good. I like it very much!
Kevin KW HO <>
Hong Kong, - Saturday, February 21, 1998 at 05:31:02 (MEZ)
Bärige Sache!!!!!!!!
Markus Schindlbeck <>
Regensburg, Deutschland - Wednesday, February 18, 1998 at 15:51:13 (MEZ)
Great tenor, beautiful site. Thank you.
Giore Etzion <>
St. Louis, MO USA - Sunday, February 15, 1998 at 21:07:08 (MEZ)
When I heard his voice by walkman, I can't say anything. As a result I came to be a fan of him.
Lee, Jung-hyun <>
Seoul, Republic of Korea - Friday, February 13, 1998 at 19:07:40 (MEZ)
I'm a big fan of F.W. and I'm very pleased to find a home page dedicated to him.
John Sadler <>
Cardiff, Wales - Friday, February 13, 1998 at 00:58:23 (MEZ)
I sang professionally for 22 years and taught music for 32 before retiring in 1991. I've been listening to music for over 60 years. I write record reviews for American Viola Society. I'm trying to find a complete printed discography of Wunderlich with dates etc. Can anybody help me?
Wunderlich was just about to come to the Met when he fell down a flight of stairs and died. What a waste. He was the greatest tenor of this century.
His intonation, interpretation, vocal production were unparalleled. If there were any weaknesses I don't know what they would be. Surely there must be someone with some private recordings or possibly some radio station recordings that could be made available.

David O. Brown <>
Brentwood, NY USA - Monday, February 09, 1998 at 01:14:29 (MEZ)
Hallo Andreas, vielen Dank für die "wunder(volle)liche" Web-Seiten. Großartig!
Zu Fritz Wunderlichs Stimme kann ich nur sagen, was ich immer wieder empfinde! "Absolute Harmonie und Klarheit". Ich habe noch was treffendes zu Fritz W., das habe ich aus einem Kommentar von Klaus Adam. (Es sind Verse von H.von Hofmannsthal 1897)
"Er losch auf einmal aus so wie ein Blitz.
Wir trugen alle wie von einem Blitz
den Widerschein als Blässe im Gesicht.
Gewalt des Lebens, diese war in ihm:
Und über ihn bekam der Tod Gewalt.
Blies aus die Augen, deren innrer Kern
bedeckt war mit geheimnisvollen Zeichen,
erwürgte in der Kehle tausend Stimmen
und tötete den leib, der Glied für Glied
beladen war mit ungeborenem Leben.

BYE, bis auf ein Wiedersehen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Helmut Karrasch <>
Stuttgart, Germany - Friday, February 06, 1998 at 00:57:11 (MEZ)

Hello Andreas! I'm suprised that your homepage is renewal. I love Wunderlich's voice. Please continue this page.
kayoko kamada <>
Ikoma, NNara Japan - Sunday, February 01, 1998 at 16:41:10 (MEZ)
So eine Web-Site habe ich wahrhaftig noch nicht gesehen, ein ganz ganz grosses Kompliment und Dankeschoen fuer so viel Information. Ich habe Fritz Wunderlich im November 1956 in der Zauberfloete in Stuttgart fuer mich entdeckt, wo wir als Schueler von unserem Musiklehrer hingeschleppt wurden. Seither bin ich so ein leidenschaftlicher Fan, dass ich mich deswegen schon manchmal fast lächerlich gemacht habe. Information fuer Wallfahrer: das Grab befindet sich im sogenannten alten Teil des Waldfriedhofs, gleich nach dem Haupteingang links, hinter der Priestern und Nonnen. Und es liegen immer ein paar einzelne Blumen drauf...
Ursula Roeser <>
Karlsruhe, Deutschland - Thursday, January 29, 1998 at 15:05:54 (MEZ)
It's wonderful to see so many people share my feelings on who I believe is the greatest German Lyric Tenor, and argueably the greatest Tenor this century if he would have still been with us.
Erich Simo <>
Winston-Salem, NC USA - Tuesday, January 27, 1998 at 20:21:31 (MEZ)
To Andreas Praefcke
I have followed Fritz Wunderlich's carreer from the release of his recording of Granada here in America (in German), until his untimely death in 1966.
I began purchasing his recordings as soon as possible and continued until the issue of his last CD's. I noted the growth of his artistry year by year,although he never got close to the peak for a Tenor which is said to be about 45 years of age. I can' t say he is my favorite as my son Joseph Wolverton is a rising Lyric Tenor with a simular voice and is singing Nemorino in Elisir D'Amore in Hamburg as I write this.
Fritz Wunderlich also had great stage presence which can be seen in the Bel Canto Society video 'Fritz Wunderlich Live'.
I believe he certainly had the best Lyric Tenor voice I have heard to this point.

Raymond D Wolverton sr. <RWOLVER588@AOL.COM>
STONE PARK, IL USA - Saturday, January 24, 1998 at 01:18:58 (MEZ)
Ich glaube, daß alles, was es über Fritz Wunderlich zu sagen gibt, schon gesagt wurde, und zwar von Leuten, die sich besser auszudrücken verstehen als ich.
Ich liebe seine Stimme, seit ich denken kann, und werde es immer tun.
Grüße an Konstanze, Wolfgang und Barbara Wunderlich, falls sie es jemals lesen sollten.

Sabine Kaiser <>
Windsor, CT USA - Friday, January 23, 1998 at 19:10:46 (MEZ)
Wunderlich war einer der größten Tenöre, die es gibt. Habe mir jetzt gerade aus den USA Aufnahmen schicken lassen, die es hier nicht gibt (Rundfunkkonzerte/Livemitschnitte)
Franz Hocke <>
Pulheim, Germany - Wednesday, January 21, 1998 at 22:08:44 (MEZ)
He made everything sound as if it was the easiest thing in the world to sing. There was so much in reserve. I'm happy he recorded what he did. At least he did a TRAVIATA in Italian. What an Italian tenor he would have been!
James J. Lamb <>
Staten Island, NY USA - Tuesday, January 20, 1998 at 22:59:57 (MEZ)
Congratulations to Andreas Praefcke. I've just discovered this site. As the others comments, F. Wunderlich is my favorite tenor and my regret is not to have seen him on stage. Fortunately, we have the records. Do you know if such a site exist for Astrid Varnay, who is my soprano dramatic favorite artist?
Verdin, Marie-France <>
Paris, France - Monday, January 19, 1998 at 17:52:43 (MEZ)
If I ever were asked to name my favourite artist, for sure it would be Fritz Wunderlich. I regret that I never had a chance to hear him live on stage.
There has been a comprehensive documentation on Wunderlich in Austrian radio which I recorded, including some more statements from conteporary artists (amongst them Walter Berry, Erich Kunz, Christa Ludwig, Hans Hotter). If I once can afford the time, I will type the texts and send them in order to supplement this really wonderful website.

Rainer Kalliany <>
Graz (und Wien), Austria - Monday, January 19, 1998 at 15:24:58 (MEZ)
Ein großes Lob für d i e s e Website! Mehr kann man über diesen großen Sänger wohl nicht zusammentragen! So etwas wünschte ich mir auch über Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau! Ob das mal jemand macht???? Bitte!!!!
Margarete Trauch <Margarete>
D-82166 Gräfelfing, Germany - Monday, January 19, 1998 at 13:31:37 (MEZ)
Meine Begeisterung für Fritz Wunderlich ist unendlich. Toll, daß es diese Web-Site gibt!
Monika Wolf <>
85737 Ismaning, Germany - Saturday, January 17, 1998 at 22:01:25 (MEZ)
It's quite nice to note that Fritz Wunderlich's voice is remembered for its purity, clarity, and depth of expression. A unique artist giving us invaluable insight into the nature of "das lied." Ich Grolle Nicht. No doubt still singing in the Heavens.
Thanks Again, Hans Fakundiny

Hans Fakundiny
Aiea, HI USA - Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 06:26:57 (MEZ)
Greetings again from South Africa. Wonderful web site devoted to a wonderful tenor. I often wonder what happened to his family. Anyone know?
Bill Birkenbach <>
Pretoria, South Africa - Tuesday, January 13, 1998 at 09:43:10 (MEZ)
Ich bin begeistert von der Idee, eine solche Seite einzurichten. Viele Grüße an alle Wunderlich-Anhänger. Er ist einfach fabelhaft gewesen!!
Christian Riekel <>
Hamburg, Deutschland - Sunday, January 11, 1998 at 15:20:28 (MEZ)
I have been Wunderlich's fan since high school pupil.
Gulini <>
Japan - Sunday, January 11, 1998 at 14:21:16 (MEZ)
Mr. Andreas Praefcke,
Thank you so much for maintaining the fabulous information on Fritz Wunderlich. Your efforts are more appreciated than you may realise. I have been an admirer of this wonderful artist ever sice I purchase my first recording of the Schubert Mass, featuring Fritz Wunderlich. Since then I have always wondered how & where more information, recordings etc. are available. You certainly filled an important need.
Through your web site I hope to aquire & expand not only my collection of the great recording Fritz Wunderlich has made but get to the person in greater details. This hold a special meaning for me because my birthplace in Mannheim-Feudenheim is fairly close to Fritz Wunderlich's . I am planning to be a frequent visitor to this information. Sincerely
Hans M. Fink

Hans M. Fink <>
Farmington Hills, MI USA - Saturday, January 10, 1998 at 01:48:54 (MEZ)
met genoegen bezoek ik deze pagina van mijn held. Nu eerst maar 'ns kijken...
jelle volders <>
rotterdam, nl - Wednesday, January 07, 1998 at 23:02:59 (MEZ)
Saw and heard Wunderlich for the first time on the BBC yesterday. Followed up with a Search on the Internet and found your excellent page. Any suggestions as toa good starting point on Wunderlich where CDs are concerned?
Mark Lewis <>
Preston, England - Saturday, January 03, 1998 at 13:07:42 (MEZ)
WOW. It is great to see so much interest in my favorite tenor. As as high school choral teacher, I used to play his recording of "Granada" for the classes to celebrate Wunderlich's birthday.
Lawrence C. Belz
Federal Way, WA U.S.A. - Saturday, January 03, 1998 at 00:55:29 (MEZ)
I am looking back at family history. I can see pictures of him. Lisa Wunderlich
Milaca, MN USA - Thursday, January 01, 1998 at 00:34:11 (MEZ)

It's wonderful to have all this information available on Fritz Wunderlich. It's about three years since I've first heard him singing Schubert- and Schumann-Lieder and I was very moved. Never had such an experience with another singing voice before or since. What I admire most is Fritz' unique ability is to express heartfelt emotions with a flawless musical technique. How I wish that he would still be among us.
Jos Witjes <>
Amsterdam, Netherlands - Monday, December 29, 1997 at 22:55:23 (MEZ)

Due to technical problems or hacker attacks or whatever, all guest book entries from ca. Dec 08 to Dec 26, 1997, have been deleted. If you do not find your entry anymore, please repost! Sorry and thank you in advance.
Andreas Praefcke <> Mannheim, Germany
I am glad I found this great homepage about Fritz. He had a great voice indeed. Please continue this side, so more people have the opportunity to find out about him.
Robert Hugo Reijm <>
Millet , AB Canada - Sunday, December 07, 1997 at 05:16:57 (MEZ)
Wonderful Web page! Will certainly come back soon!
Victoria Wohner
North East, MD USA - Sunday, December 07, 1997 at 01:24:48 (MEZ)
Hallo Andreas, Klasse deine neue homepage. Herzlichen Dank für deine riesen Arbeit. Fritz ist ein 'Wunder'. Herzliche Grüße von Piet Boers
Piet Boers <>
Bodegraven, Holland - Friday, December 05, 1997 at 23:29:05 (MEZ)
Wunderlich's flawless technique and beautiful tone is why I am studing opera. Due to his tragic death, he did not receive the popularity that so closely followed, so there's not alot of information on him. Thanks for the Website!
Erich Simo <>
WInston-Salem, NC USA - Thursday, December 04, 1997 at 23:51:34 (MEZ)
Fun stuff, thanks for the sight.
Ben Richards <>
Lakeland, FL USA - Thursday, December 04, 1997 at 05:40:17 (MEZ)
I appreciate your website -- particularly the reminiscences of Prey, Dieskau & Giesen. I discovered FW in the '60's shortly after returning from 2 1/2 years in Germany. If the world had not lost him, the "Three Tenors" would have had at least one "other" member!! Besten Dank.
James Bevan <>
Durham, NC USA - Wednesday, December 03, 1997 at 19:33:56 (MEZ)
Delighted to find your website. Trying to find out all the available info on FW and his music. I have read that FW made a movie/s. Is this true and if so are they available? I will continue to check out your website for any new info.
Thanks GEF

Grace Feeney
Rising Sun, MD USA - Wednesday, December 03, 1997 at 18:06:33 (MEZ)
Love this tenor!
What more can I say?

Herman W. Wallner <>
Columbus, GA USA - Tuesday, December 02, 1997 at 03:11:50 (MEZ)
I have admired Wunderlich for years. I feel his voice is the perfect model for young tenors!
Christopher Goeke <>
Cape Girardeau, MO USA - Tuesday, December 02, 1997 at 00:27:16 (MEZ)
Good job!
craig green <>
columbus, oh franklin - Monday, December 01, 1997 at 22:55:42 (MEZ)
I consider Wunderlich the greatest German lyric tenor of this century and his lieder-singing was also placing among the all-time greats when he died
Jakob R. Möller <colaw jrm at>
Reykjavík, Iceland - Monday, December 01, 1997 at 21:25:47 (MEZ)
My anscestors came from Prossitten East Prussia. back to 1700. Looking for the wives of these men. I have doing research for 25 years to get this far. Glad to hare.

Ursula Kabool nee Wunderlich-Schmidt <>
New Westminster, BC Canada - Saturday, November 29, 1997 at 21:10:31 (MEZ)
Well done!
Patrick Jaudas <>
Baindt, Germany - Tuesday, November 25, 1997 at 11:14:27 (MEZ)
Trying to look up family history
Travis Wunderlich
Lohman, MO USA - Thursday, November 20, 1997 at 20:01:08 (MEZ)
The Guestbook is opened!
Andreas Praefcke <>
Mannheim, BW Germany - Wednesday, November 19, 1997 at 16:34:59 (MEZ)

Andreas Praefcke, 1998.

Fritz Wunderlich Homepage