Fürth: Stadttheater |
Country: Germany (Deutschland) State: Bayern City: Fürth Location: Königstraße 116 / Hallplatz Built 1901-1902 by Ferdinand Fellner & Hermann Helmer for the city of Fürth, using plans they had originally designed for the Stadttheater in Czernowitz (now Teatr im. Olgi Kobylyanskoy in Chernivtsi, Ukraine) in 1900. The Czernowitz project had been put on hold at the time. When it was finally constructed in 1904-1905, the original designs were used with slight alterations. Hence, the theatres in Chernivtsi and Fürth are very similar in appearance. Opened 17 Sep 1902 with Beethoven's "Fidelio". Originally used in co-operation with the Nürnberg theatre company. 1933-1944 used by a resident theatre company, notably for operetta performances. After World War II, used as a military cinema by American troups. From 1952, again used as a theatre in co-operation with the Nürnberg theatre company. 1971-1972 alterations of stagehouse and stage technology by Thomas Münter, interior renovation by Hermann Wiedl. Subsequently used as a venue for touring companies and (from 1990) for co-productions. Originally 1000 seats, today 707 seats. Links: www.stadttheater.fuerth.de, EUTA, Wikipedia |
Front Text: "Das neue Fürther Stadttheater" Publisher: Verlag von A. Schmittner, Fürth Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Sent: within Fürth, 26 May 1902 |
Front Text: "Fürth i. B. - Stadttheater" Publisher: M. Lehrburger, Nürnberg; No. 13519/207 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Fürth to Colditz, 1906 |
Front Text: "Fürth i. B., Theater" Publisher: ?; 6596 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: by German Forces' Postal Service, from Fürth to Vielitz/Post Selb, 1916 |
Front Text: "Fürth i. B. - Stadttheater" Publisher: Trinks & Co. G.m.b.H., Leipzig; Nr. 1 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Fürth i. B., Stadttheater" Publisher: Verlag v. Georg Rosenberg, Fühth i. B.; 1908 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Fürth to Antwerpen (Belgium), 1923 |
Reverse Text: "Fürth i. Bay. - Stadttheater u. Rathausturm beleuchtet" Publisher: Verlag Fritz Lauterbach, Fürth i. Bay.; Frila Type: Real Photo Size: Modern Sent: from Fürth to Paris (France), 1959 |
Reverse Text: "Fürth, Stadttheater" Handwritten Reverse Text: dated 1972 Publisher: Andres + Co, Hamburg Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Fürth in Bayern - nach alten Motiven. Stadttheater (Neubarock). Vollendet im Jahre 1902 nach den Plänen der Wiener Architekten Fellner und Helmer. Blick auf die Hauptfassade von der Königstraße aus. Im Vordergrund das Rasenrondell mit den Auffahrten. Zur Königstraße hinabführende Treppen." Publisher: Hergestellt im Auftrag der Fa. Quelle; Kruger 31.686.19 269823 Type: modern reproduction of a (modern?) painting of an old view Size: Modern Sent: from Fürth to Hilden, 1995 |
Reverse Text: "Theater Fürth - erbaut von Fellner und Helmer 1901/1902, restauriert 1971-1973 - Gesamtansicht" Publisher: Theater Fürth; Grafische Werkstätte Graf Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Theater Fürth - Blick in den Zuschauerraum" [auditorium view] Publisher: Theater Fürth; Grafische Werkstätte Graf Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: view towards the stage Reverse Text: "Stadttheater Fürth - Blick in den Zuschauerraum" Publisher: Stadttheater Fürth; Grafische Werkstätte Graf, Fürth Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: proscenium boxes Reverse Text: "Theater Fürth - Blick auf das Proszenium" Publisher: Theater Fürth; Grafische Werkstätte Graf Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: view from the stage Front Text: "theater fürth - Blick von der Bühne" Reverse Text: "theater fürth - Blick von der Bühne auf den Zuschauerraum" Publisher: Theater Fürth; Grafische Werkstätte Graf Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Stadttheater Fürth - erbaut durch die Architekten Fellner und Helmer 1901/1902" Publisher: Stadttheater Fürth; Grafische Werkstätte Graf, Fürth Size: Modern Not sent. |
Front Text: "100 Jahre Stadttheater Fürth" Publisher: Stadttheater Fürth Type: Advertisment Card; advertising the book "100 Jahre Stadttheater Fürth", Cadolzburg: ars vivendi, 2002; ISBN 3-89716-370-5 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/1849 |