Chernivtsi: Teatr im. Olgi Kobylyanskoy

Country: Ukraine (Ukraina)
City: Chernivtsi (Czernowitz, Czerniowce, Cernăuți, Chernovtsi)
Location: Teatralna ploshcha 1 (formerly: Elisabethplatz)

Built 1904-1905 as "Stadttheater" for the city of Czernowitz by Ferdinand Fellner & Hermann Helmer. The design had been projected for Chernivtsi in 1900, but the project was put on hold for several years. Subsequently, the plans were first used by Fellner & Helmer for the Stadttheater Fürth (Germany) in 1901-1902. As the Chernivtsi project was taken up again, the original plans were used with slight alterations. Hence, the theatres at Chernivtsi and Fürth are very similar in appearance.

Opened 3 October 1905 with Anton Norst's prologue "Der Musen Einzug", Beethoven's ouverture "Die Weihe des Hauses", and Franz von Schönthan's comedy "Maria Theresia". 813 seats. When Czernowitz became the Romanian city of Cernauti, the theatre was renamed "Teatrul Național" on 2 January 1922. Subsequently, the Schiller statue in front of the theatre was removed. After Cernauti became Ukrainian, the theatre was renamed in honour of the Ukrainian poet, Olga Kobylyanska whose statue is located in front of the theatre.

Links:, EUTA, Wikipedia

Chernivtsi: Teatr im. Olgi Kobylyanskoy Front Text: "Cernăuți - Teatrul national"
Publisher: Leon Känig, Cernăuți. Nr. 10 - 1930.
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Chernivtsi: Teatr im. Olgi Kobylyanskoy Reverse Text: "Chernivtsi - Muzichny-dramatichny teatr im. O. Kobilyanskoy"
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Chernivtsi: Teatr im. Olgi Kobylyanskoy Reverse Text: "Chernivtsi - Musiko-dramatichny teatr im. O. Kobilyanskoy"
Publisher: Radyanska Ukraina, Kiev; 1973
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Chernivtsi: Teatr im. Olgi Kobylyanskoy Front Text: "Chernivtsi", "Teatralna ploshcha"
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Chernivtsi: Teatr im. Olgi Kobylyanskoy Front Text: "Chernivetska Oblast. Misto Chernivtsi", "30 rokiv Nezalezhnosti Ukraini"
Reverse Text: "Chernivetska Oblast. Chernivtsi: Muzichno-dramatichny teatr imeni Olgi Kobylyanskoy"
Publisher: EJ Studio Eugene July, 2021
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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