Fritz Wunderlich - The Great German Tenor


Friedrich Karl Otto Wunderlich is born in the little town of Kusel, Lower Palatinate, Germany. His father Paul Wunderlich is a restaurant and cinema owner, who had formerly worked as a military band leader, dance band leader and cellist. His mother Anna Wunderlich, née Malz, once worked as a violinist with a dance band. The Kusel area is also called the "Kuseler Musikantenland" for the many (minstrel) musicians who originally came from there and who spread their music all over Europe.
Fritz's father dies.
After finishing school, he attends the Kusel teacher-training college. At the same time, he works with various dance bands as a singer, accordionist or trumpet player. He forms his own band "Die Hutmacher".
Weekly singing lessons with Käthe Bittel-Valckenberg at Kaiserslautern, where he goes to by bike (40 km for one way!).
Audition at the Freiburg College of Music. Wunderlich starts to study singing and French horn. Margarethe von Winterfeldt becomes his singing teacher
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Fritz Wunderlich dies in the University Clinic of Heidelberg. A few days later, he is buried in the Munich 'Waldfriedhof' cemetery.

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Andreas Praefcke

Fritz Wunderlich Homepage