Hamilton: Founders Theatre

Country: New Zealand
City: Hamilton
Location: Hamilton North, 221 Tristram Street

Built 1962 by White, De Lisle and Jenkins, inspired by the Belgrade Theatre in Coventry, England. Opened 17 Nov 1962 as "Founders' Memorial Theatre". Later renamed "Founders Theatre". 1249 seats. Closed 1 March 2016 due to safety concerns.

Links: www.founderstheatre.co.nz, Htown Wiki, www.audioculture.co.nz, Wikidata

Hamilton: Founders Theatre Front Text: "Founders' Memorial Theatre & Dame Hilda Ross Fountain, Hamilton"
Reverse Text: "Founders' Memorial Theatre & Dame Hilda Ross Fountain, Hamilton. Completed in 1962, the Founders' Memorial Theatre is the city's cultural centre. The fountain is a memorial to a lady who did great service for the community and who, for a time, was a Minister of Social Security."
Publisher: Pictorial Publications, Hastings; P.2407
Size: Modern
Sent: from New Zealand to Grigny (France) [no postmark]

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/2882