Bishkek: Kyrgysky teatr opery i baleta im. A. Maldybaeva |
Country: Kyrgyzstan City: Bishkek (Pishpek, Frunse) Location: ul. Abdrahmanova 167 Kyrgyz State Opera and Ballet Theatre. Built 1955. Named in honour of the Kyrgzyz composer and singer, Abdylas Maldybaev (1906-1978). 941 seats. Links:, Wikipedia |
Reverse Text: "Frunse, Kirgizscky akademichesky teatr operi i baleta. Kirghiz Theatre of Opera and Ballet" Publisher: Sovestsky chudoshchnik, Moskva; 1965; 4 a-427, A 10268-65 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Frunse - Kyrgysky gosudarstvenny ordena Lenina akademichesky teatr opery i baleta imeni A. Maldybaeva" Publisher: USSR Ministery, 1979 Type: postal card with printed stamp Size: Modern Not sent. |
Banknote (5 som, Kyrgyzstan, 1997) Recerse: portrait of ballerina Bubusara Beyshenalieva |
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