Pavlodar: Dvorets Kultury im. Estaya

Country: Kazakhstan (Qazaqstan)
City: Pavlodar
Location: Konstitutsii Ploshad 1

Built as "Dvorets Traktorostrotelei" ("Palace of the Tractor Factory"). Later used as municipal house of culture ("Gorodskoy Dvorets Kultury") and renamed in honour of the Kazakh poet, Estai Berkimbaiuly (1874-1946). Major rebuilding in the 2000s(?). Home to the Pavlodar Philharmonic Orchestra.

Links:, Facebook, Wikidata

Pavlodar: Dvorets Kultury im. Estaya Reverse Text: "Pavlodar, Dvorets Traktorostrotelei. Pavlodar. Traktor shasaushylar saray."
Publisher: USSR Ministery; 1985
Type: postal card with printed stamp
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Pavlodar: Dvorets Kultury im. Estaya Front Text: "Pavlodar"
Reverse Text: "Pavlodar. Gorodskoy dvorets kultury im. Estaya (byvshy Dvorets kultury traktorostroitele). Pavlodar. Estay City Palace of Culture (former palace of Culture of Tractor Builders)."
Publisher: EJ Studio Eugene July, 2021
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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