Manaus: Teatro Amazonas

Country: Brazil (O Brasil)
State: Amazonas
City: Manaus
Location: Avenida Eduardo Ribeiro / Praça São Sebastião

Built 1884-1896 by Celestial Sacardim. Opened 31 Dec 1896 with an Italian opera gala. First opera performance: Amilcare Ponchielli's "La Gioconda" on 7 Jan 1897. Interior decoration by Crispin de Amoral finished in 1901. After the decline of the rubber trade, opera seasons stopped in 1907. Rebuildings and renovations in 1929, 1974, 1987-1990. Re-opened 1990 with a gala of Brazilian music. 701 seats.

Links:, Wikipedia

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Front Text: "Manao - Theatro com Monumento"
Publisher: Casa Londres L. Couto, Manaos
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Reverse Text: "Manaus, Brasil - Teatro Amazonas, Amazonas Theatre"
Publisher: VARIG - Mercator
Size: Modern
Sent: from Mannheim (Germany) to Heidelberg (Germany), 1975

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Reverse Text: "Brasil - Manaus - AM - Teatro Amazonas, Amazonas Theatre"
Publisher: Edicard, São Paulo; 180-10
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Reverse Text: "Brasil - Manaus - AM - Teatro Amazonas - Vista Aérea, Amazonas Theatre - Aerial View"
Publisher: Edicard, São Paulo; 180-15
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Reverse Text: "Brasil Turístico, Manaus - AM, Monumenta da Abertura dos Portos à Navegação e Teatro Amazonas, Monument of the Opening of the Ports to the Navigation and Amazonas Theatre"
Publisher: Mercator, São Paulo; 20-A
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Picture: dome exterior
Reverse Text: "Teatro Amazonas. Manaus Opera House. A Cúpola - Instalada no topo do edificio, a cúpola do Teatro Amazonas é coberta com 36.000 telhas vitrificadas importadas da Europa, em um tipo de mosaico formando padrões com as cores da bandera nacional brasileira. A cúpola foi sempre fixa, e nunca giratória. Esta é somente mais uma lenda sobre o Teatro Amazonas. The Dome - Installed in the top of the building, the Amazonas Theater's dome is covered with 36.000 vitrified ceramic tiles imported from Europe, in a kind of mosaic forming patterns with the colors of the brazilian national flag. The dome was always fixed, and never giratory. This is only another tale about the Amazon Theatre."
Publisher: Túllio Demasi; 2001
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Picture: auditorium after one of the 20th century rebuildings (third and fourth balcony converted into row seating, later reverted)
Reverse Text: "Brasil - Manaus - AM - Teatro Amazonas - Interior, Amazonas Theatre- Interior"
Publisher: Edicard, São Paulo; 180-10
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Picture: auditorium after the remodeling to the original plans
Reverse Text: "Brasil - Manaus AM - Interior do Teatro Amazonas, Interior of the Amazonas Theatre"
Publisher: Edicard, São Paolo; 180-68
Size: Modern
Sent: from Manaus to Wuppertal (Germany), 1977

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Picture: auditorium ceiling
Reverse Text: "Teatro Amazonas - Manaus Opera House. Auditório - As pinturas do teto do auditório do Teatro Amazonas foram feitas pelo artista Crispim do Amaral, e reproduzem a visão que uma pessoa teria se estivesse embaixo da Torre Eiffel, em Paris, e olhasse para cima. As pinturas ao redor representam as artes, Dança, Tragédia, Opera e Música. O lustre é feito de bronze francês e cristal italiano. Há um mecanismo que permite que o lustre desça ao nível da platéia para limpeza e manutenção. Auditorium - The painting at the ceiling of the auditorium of the Amazon Theatre was made by the artist Crispim do Amaral, and reproduces the vision that one person would have by standing under the Eiffel Tower, in Paris, and looking up. The paintings around represents the arts, Dance, Tragedy, Opera and Music. The chandelier is made of french bronze and italian crystal. There's a mechanism that allows the chandelier to lower at the audience level for cleaning and maintenance."
Publisher: Túllio Demasi; 2001
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Picture: painted curtain
Reverse Text: "Teatro Amazonas - Manaus Opera House. Pano de boca do palco - O pano de boca do palco do Teatro Amazonas foi pintado pelo artista brasileiro Crispim do Amaral, e representa o 'Encontro das Águas' do Rio Negro com o Rio Solimões, formando o Rio Amazonas, o local onde foi erguida a cidade de Manaus. A pintura mostra Yara, a 'Mãe D'água' e deuses representando os rios. O pano de boca sobe inteiro para a cúpula, sem dobrar ou enrrolar, para evitar danos à pintura. Stage's Drop Cloth - The Amazon Theatre's stage drop cloth was painted by the brasilian artist Crispim do Amaral, and represents the 'Meeting ofthe Waters" of the Negro river with the Solimões river, forming the Amazon river, the place where the city of Manaus was raised. The painting shows Yara, 'The Mother of the Waters' and gods representing the rivers. The drop cloth raises entirely to the dome, without folding or rolling, to avoid damages to the painting."
Publisher: Túllio Demasi; 2001
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Picture: auditorium decoration
Front Text: inscription: "Rossini"
Reverse Text: "Teatro Amazonas - Manaus Opera House. Máscaras da Tragédia Grega - Em cada coluna do auditório do Teatro Amazonas, em frente aos camarotes nobres, há máscaras da Tragédia Grega, representando artistas famosos, escritores, pintores e músicos, como Shakespeare, Moliére, Goethe, Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner e outros, totalizando 22 máscaras. Cada máscara foi doada por uma importante família de Manaus da época, que tinha este camarote como cativo. Greek Tragedy Masks - On each column of the Amazon Theater's auditorium, in front of the noble boxes, there are Greek Tragedy Masks, representing famous artists, writers, painters and musicians, like Shakespeare, Moliére, Goethe, Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner and others, totalizing 22 masks. Each mask was donated by an important family of Manaus at that time, wich had that box as private."
Publisher: Túllio Demasi; 2001
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Reverse Text: "Brasil - Manaus AM - Teatro Amazonas - Salão Nobre, Amazonas Theatre - Grand Hall"
Publisher: Edicard, São Paolo; 180-69
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Reverse Text: "Brasil - Manaus AM - Teatro Amazonas, Salão Nobre - Amazonas Theatre, Grand Hall"
Publisher: Edicard, São Paolo; 180-11
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Reverse Text: "Teatro Amazonas - Manaus Opera House. Pintura do teto do Salão Nobre - Feita pelo artista italiano Domenico De Angelis em 1899, a pintura do teto do Salão Nobre do Teatro Amazonas representa a Glorificação das Belas Artes no Amazonas, a Dança, a Pintura, a Música e o Teatro. Foi utilizada uma técnica de pintura que dá à quem olha a sensação de que a personagem principal da pintura está sempre olhando para ele, não importando a posição em que esteja no salão. Noble Room ceiling paintings - Made by the italian artist Domenico de Angelis in 1899, the paintings at the ceiling of the Amazon Theatre's Noble Room represents the Glorification of the Arts is the Amazon, Dance, Painting, Music and Acting. It was used a painting technique that gives to the observer the sensation that the eyes of the main personages of the painting are always looking at him, no matter the position he stays in the room."
Publisher: Túllio Demasi; 2001
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Reverse Text: "Brasil - Manaus - AM - Teatro Amazonas e Monumenta à Abertura dos Portos, Amazonas Theatre and Monument to the Opening of the Ports"
Publisher: Edicard, São Paulo; 180-09
Size: Modern
Sent: from Brazil to Roubaix (France), 1979

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Reverse Text: "Brasil Turístico - Manaus AM - Teatro Amazonas, vista aérea lateral e aspectos do interior do teatro - Amazonas Theatre, aerial side-view and aspects of the inner of the theatre"
Publisher: Mercator; 01-A
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Reverse Text: "Brasil Turístico - Manaus AM - Vista parcial com o Teatro Amazonas - Partial view with Amazonas Theater"
Publisher: Tropical Hotel Manaus; Mercator; 17-A
Size: Modern
Sent: from Manaus to Tuttlingen (Germany), 1984

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Reverse Text: "Teatro Amazona - Amazonas Theatre - Da seiva amauônica das seringueiras, uma época de fortuna fácil e a forma gloriosa de um teatro singular - Coming from the sap of the rubber-trees, an epoch of wealth and of the glorious contour of an unique theatre."
Publisher: amazon multimedia stock, Manaus; Amazônica 018; 1992
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Phonecard
Reverse Text: "Teatro Amazonas, Manaus - Amazonas"
Publisher: Telebrás; L-01-01-95

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Front Text: "Teatro Amazonas", "Manaus"
Reverse Text: "Manaus. Salão Nobre, fachada e palco do Teatro Amazonas. No palco 'Roizes Caboclas', grupa que traduz a musicalidade das águas e da floresta amazônica. Noble Room, front view and stage of the Amazonas Theater. On the stage, 'Raizes Caboclas', musical group which translates the musicality of the waters and of the Amazon jungle."
Publisher: Amazon Multimedia Stock, Manaus; 1995
Size: Modern
Sent: from Cascavel to Paris (France), 1995

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Front Text: "Praça São Sebastião", "Manaus-AM", "Teatro Amazonas"
Reverse Text: "Brasil turístico. Manaus - Amazonas. Teatro Amazonas e Praça São Sebastião. Amazon Theatre and São Sebastião Square."
Publisher: Litoarte, Caxias do Sul; Ref. M-33
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Stamp Block (Brazil, 1996)
Text: "Centenário do Teatro Amazonas - Manaus/Am"
Designer: Oscar Ramos
Size: 9.9 x 6.8 cm

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Reverse Text: "Brasil Turístico - Manaus, Amazonas - Teatro Amazonas"
Publisher: Litoarte, Caxias do Sul; Ref. M-54
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Front Text: "Teatro Amazonas, Platéia", "Manaus - AM" Reverse Text: "Brasil Turístico - Manaus - Amazonas - Teatro-Amazonas"
Publisher: Litoarte, Caxias do Sul; Ref. M-49
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Manaus: Teatro Amazonas Reverse Text: "Brasil Turístico - Manaus - AM - Brasil - Platéia Teatro Amazonas"
Publisher: Artcom Souvenirs; AM-M0371
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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