Pocatello, ID: Chief Theatre

Country: United States of America
State: Idaho
City: Pocatello
Location: 215 North Main Street

Cinema, built 1938 by Walter Simon. Closed in the 1980s. 1993 restored to be converted into a live theatre, but destroyed by a fire on 20 Mar 1993. A theatre sign showing a native American chief is extant on the site.

Links: CinemaTreasures, Wikidata

Pocatello, ID: Chief Theatre Front Text: sign: "Chief", marquee: "Steve McQueen Tom Horn See him before he sees you"
Reverse Text: "Chief Theater, Pocatello, Idaho. The Chief, with its dazzling glazed terra-cotta front and neon marquee, opened in 1938 with a Wallace beery movie and continued showing movies into the 1980s. Now it is being remodeled as a home for a ommunity arts center."
Publisher: from the postcard book "Palaces of Dreams" by John Margolies; Bulfinch Press; Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1993; ISBN 0-8212-2017-9; see also Wikimedia Commons
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/5587