Junction City, KS: Municipal Auditorium

Country: United States of America
State: Kansas
City: Junction City
Location: 700 North Jefferson Street / West 7th Street

Multi-purpose hall. Currently used by municipal offices and the local fire department.

Link: Wikidata

Junction City, KS: Municipal Auditorium Front Text: "Municipal Auditoriu, Junction City, Kansas"
Reverse Text: "Junction City, Kansas. Municipal Auditorium - Community Center for soldiers. The city is adjacent to Fort Riley (The Cavalry School), the Cavalry Replacement Center, and Camp Funston (Second Cavalry Division). Junction City's population is 11.500. Located on Highways U.S. 40, U.S. 77, Ks. 18, Ks. 57 and on Union Pacific R. R. and M-K-T R. 'You're Welcome in Junction City'"
Publisher: P. K. News COmpany, Junction City; Curteich-Chicago; 1B-H515
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Permanent link: http://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/9199