London: Queen's Theatre, Hornchurch (new) |
Country: England, United Kingdom City: London Borough: London Borough of Havering Location: Hornchurch, 52 Billet Lane Built by R. W. Hallam and Norman Brooks. Opened 2 Apr 1975 with Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat". Named "Queen's Theatre" like its predecessor on a nearby site in Station Lane. 500 seats. Links:, Theatres Trust, CinemaTreasures, Wikipedia |
Front Text: inscription: "Queen's Theatre" Reverse Text: "The Queen's Theatre, Hornchurch, was built by the London Borough of Havering to replace the old theatre in Station Lane, which opened in 1953. The new theatre, which seats 504, was opened on 2nd April, 1975. A permanent acting company presents a wide range of three weekly repertory work and the theatre also presents regular childrens theatre, street theatre and late night shows." Publisher: J. Arthur Dixon Ltd.; L6/SP. 4063 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Front Text: inscription: "Queen's Theatre" Reverse Text: "The Queen's Theatre, Hornchurch, was built by the London Borough of Havering to replace the old theatre in Station Lane, which opened in 1953. The new theatre, which seats 504, was opened on 2nd April, 1975. A permanent acting company presents a wide range of three weekly repertory work and the theatre also presents regular childrens theatre, street theatre and late night shows." Publisher: J. Arthur Dixon Ltd.; L6/SP. 4062 Size: Modern Not sent. |
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