Sankt Peterburg: Kamennoostrovsky Teatr

Country: Russia (Rossiya)
Federal District: Northwestern Federal District (Severo-Zapadny Federalny Okrug)
Federal Subject: Gorod Federalnovo Znacheniya Sankt Peterburg
City: Sankt Peterburg (Petrograd, Leningrad)
Location: Kamenny Ostrov; Ploshchad Starovo Teatra

"Stone Island Theatre", a wooden theatre on the grounds of Kamennoostrovsky Palace, built 1827 by Smaragd Shustov. 1843-1844 major exterior rebuilding by Alberto Cavos. 1933 renovations by E. Katonin. 1964-1968 interior rebuilding by Irina Benois. 2007-2010 renovations. 310 seats. Used for drama performances by the Bolshoi dramatichesky teatr im. G. A. Tovstonogova company.

Links: EUTA, Wikipedia

Sankt Peterburg: Kamennoostrovsky Teatr Reverse Text: "Leningrad - Kameneostrovsky teatr, arkh. Rossi"
Publisher: Soyuzfoto; No. 1436
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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