Perm: Dvorets Kultury im. A. G. Soldatova

Country: Russia (Rossiya)
Federal District: Volga Federal District (Privolzhsky Federalny Okrug)
Federal Subject: Permskaya Oblast
City: Perm (Molotov)
Location: Komsomolsky Prospekt 79

Palace of culture, built 1941-1950 by A. K. Barutchev, I. A. Meyerson, and V. G. Daugul. Opened as "Dvorets Kultury im. Yakova M. Sverdlova", named in honour of the politician, Yakov Sverdlov (1885-1919). Later renamed in honour of the leader of the Soviet defense industry, Anatoly Grigorievich Soldatov (1904-1976).

Links:, Wikipedia

Perm: Dvorets Kultury im. A. G. Soldatova Reverse Text: "Perm. Dvorets kultury imeni Ya. M. Sverdlova"
Publisher: USSR Ministery; 1975
Type: postal card with printed stamp
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Perm: Dvorets Kultury im. A. G. Soldatova Front Text: "Perm. Dvorets kultury im. Ya. M. Sverdlova"
Publisher: USSR Ministery; 18/IV-77
Type: postal cover with printed stamp
Size: 16.3 x 11.5 cm
Not sent.

Perm: Dvorets Kultury im. A. G. Soldatova Reverse Text: "Perm. Munitsipalny Dvorets kultury. XX vek. Perm. Municipal Palace of Culture. 20th century."
Publisher: ?; Photographer V. Gerasimov
Type: Souvenir Card, not designed for postal use
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Perm: Dvorets Kultury im. A. G. Soldatova Front Text: "Perm 300 let"
Reverse Text: "Perm. Gorodskoy dvorets kultury im. A. G. Soldatova. Perm. City Palace of Culture named after A. G. Soldatov"
Publisher: EJ Studio Eugene July; 2023
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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