Irkutsk: Kinoteatr Barguzin

Country: Russia (Rossiya)
Federal District: Siberian Federal District (Sibirsky Federalny Okrug)
Federal Subject: Irkutskaya Oblast
City: Irkutsk
Location: Ulitsa Baikalskaya 107

Cinema, opened 1971. Named after the river Barguzin. Major rebuilding (or demolition and new construction?) with a new IMAX cinema hall around 2016.

Links:, Wikidata

Irkutsk: Kinoteatr Barguzin Reverse Text: "Irkutsk. Kinoteatr 'Barguzin'. Irkutsk. 'Barguzin' cinema. Irkoutsk. Le cinéma 'Bargouzin'. Irkutsk. Lichtspieltheater 'Bargusin'"
Publisher: Sovietskaya Rossiya; 25/IX-74; A05780
Type: Souvenir Card, not designed for postal use
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Irkutsk: Kinoteatr Barguzin Reverse Text: "g. Irkutsk Kinoteatr 'barguzin'. Irkutsk city, Cinema 'Barguzin'"
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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