Various toy theatres

Toy theatre form the 19th century Picture: 18th-century toy puppet theatre from the Emilia-Romagna, Italy, with puppets from Venice
Reverse Text: "Emilia (secolo XVIII). Teatrino per marionette, legno dipinto. Si tratta di uno dei pochissimi esemplari di teatrino per marionette esistenti in area emiliana. è dotato di cinque cambi di scena tutti dipinti a finte prospettive. Sul boccascena è riconoscibile lo stemma della famiglia forlivese Albicni. La collezione di marionette, ordinata al suo interno, è composta per lo più di raffinati esemplari veneziani del sec. XVIII.", "Bologna, Museo Davia Bargellini (sala VII)"
Publisher: Musei Civi d'Arte Antica, BolognaSize: 17.0 x 10.0 cm
Not sent.

Toy theatre form the 19th century Picture: German mid-19th century paper theatre and two bisque dolls
Reverse Text: "Biedermeierpapiertheater und zwei Porzellankopfpuppen Mitte 19. Jh."
Publisher: Puppen & Spielzeugmuseum Katharina Engels, Rothenburg ob der Tauber; Nr. 197
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Toy theatre: Herzblaettchen-Theater Picture: Herzblättchen-Theater, a miniature paper theatre, manufactured ca. 1880 by Verlag Max Eichinger, Ansbach (Germany). The theatre consists of colour lithographies in a cardboard box. Collection: Museum Europäischer Kulturen, Berlin (Germany).
Reverse Text: "Herzblättchen-Theater, Miniatur-Papiertheater. Ansbach: Vlg. Max Eichinger, um 1880. Farblithographien im Pappkasten, Kat. Nr. 36 E 48"
Publisher: Museum für Deutsche Volkskunde Berlin - Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz; Reiter-Druck; 117
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Toy theatre: Parisfal scene Picture: paper theatre with a scene from Wagner's 'Parsifal', of unknown origin
Reverse Text: "Teatros de Papel. Parsifal. Origem desconhecida. Sécuol XIX / 300 x 380. Doação: Pisani Burnay"
Publisher: Museu Nacional do Teatro, Lisboa
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Toy theatre by Schreiber, ca. 1900 Picture: paper theatre published by Schreiber in Esslingen (Germany), ca. 1900.
Reverse Text: "Schreiber Papiertheater, um 1900"
Publisher: Puppen & Spielzeugmuseum Katharina Engels, Rothenburg ob der Tauber
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Paper theatre Picture: paper theatre
Front Text: "Das Preetzer Papiertheatertreffen"
Reverse Text: "Preetzer Papiertheatertreffen der Volkshochschulle Preetz alljährlich im September"
Publisher: Volkshochschule Pretz, 24211 Preetz (Germany)
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Toy theatre: Theatre Guignol, ca. 1890 Picture: French toys with a toy puppet show theatre, 1890; see detail scan
Front Text: inscription: "Théâtre Guignol"
Reverse Text: "Musée Alice-Taverne, Ambierle (Loire), 25. Les jouets de Marie et Joseph Alcock (1890)"
Publisher: Imp. Pierron, Sarreguemines; 25609
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Toy theatre by Schreiber, ca. 1900 Picture: wooden toy theatre from France, c. 1900
Front Text: inscription: "Opera"
Reverse Text: " Zürcher Spielzeugmuseum, Sammlung Franz Carl Weber, Zürich. Marionetten-Theater aus Holz, Frankreich, um 1900. Théâtre de marionnettes en bois, France. Wooden marionette-theatre, France."
Publisher: Kunstkartendruck Vontobel, Feldmeilen/Zürich; VD 2181
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Toy theatre: Théâtre de marionnettes Picture: French toy puppet theatre
Reverse Text: "Théâtre de marionnettes (F)."
Publisher: Musée du Jouet, Colmar
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Toy theatre: Théâtre de marionnettes Picture: Czech(?) toy theatre
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Sent: from Austria-Hungary to Bisenz (= Bzenec, Czech Republic), before 1919 [postmark illegible]

Toy theatre from Barcelona, ca. 1915 Picture: toy theatre from Barcelona (Spain), c. 1915
Reverse Text: "Teatros de Papel. A Lenda de S. Jorge. El Teatro de los Niños, Barcelona. Cerca 1915 / 306 x 209. Doação: Jorge Herold"
Publisher: Museu Nacional do Teatro, Lisboa
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Toy theatre: Dona Maria, 1947 Picture: toy theatre from the book 'Dona Maria de Trazer por Casa', designed by Fernando Bento, Portugal, 1947
Reverse Text: "Teatros de Papel. Sala de Palácio. Recortado do livro 'Dona Maria de Trazer por Casa' de Adolfo Simões Müller. Desenhado por Fernando Bento 1947 / 225 x 190. Doação: Natália Correia Duedes"
Publisher: Museu Nacional do Teatro, Lisboa
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Toy theatre in Brussels Picture: toy theatre "Théâtre de l'Odéon"
Front Text: "Magical Theatres 1.12.21-4.06.23 Halle Gate Museum"
Reverse Text: advertising a toy theatre exhibition
Publisher: Musée de la porte de Hal, Bruxelles / Halleport Museum, Brussel
Type: Advertisement Card, not designed for postal use
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Toy theatres in Radebeul Picture: toy theatres from the Saxon state collections, shown at the Hohenhaus museum in Radebeul from 1960 until 2004
Reverse Text: "Hohenhaus Radebeul. Puppentheatersammlung - Weißer Salon (Neo-Rokoko um 1885). Staatl. Kunstsammlungen Dresden"
Publisher: Brück & Sohn, Meißen; J 04-6-1/89 IV-14-483 30780 DDR
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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