Children with toy theatres

Puppet show in Ancient Greece Picture: chidlren playing with a puppet theatre in ancient Greece (as imagined in the 19th century)
Front Text: "Que c'est beau, la Comédie!"
Publisher: Aux Travailleurs, Magasins de Nouveautés, Paris; Bourgerie et fils ainé, Paris
Size: 11.2 x 7.2. cm

Children with toy theatres Publisher: Au Petit St-Thomas, Grands Magasins
Size: 10.9 x 7.7 cm

Children with toy theatres Front Text: "(Zur 150. Geburtstagsfeier)", "W. Friedrich. Goethe als Knabe beim Puppenspiel" [Goethe as a boy playing puppet theatre, by Woldemar Friedrich, after Goethe's autobiography 'Dichtung und Wahrheit', Vol. 1, Book 1], see also
Publisher: Fr. A. Ackermann, Kunstverlag, München; Künstlerpostkarte No. 676
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Children with toy theatres Collectible Card
Front Text: "Guignol"
Publisher: Chocolat Guérin-Boutron, Paris
Size: 10.6 x 6.4 cm

Children with toy theatres Collectible Card
Publisher: Velma Suchard; Serie 245
Size: 10.5 x 6.5 cm

Children with toy theatres Collectible Card (?)
Type: Blank Back
Size: 10.8 x 7.5 cm

Children with toy theatres Collectible Card
Publisher: Kristaal, Porcelein- Glas- en Aardewerk Weduwe Wagemakers en Zoon, Antwerpen; Druk: Wed. De Backer
Size: 10.6 x 7.2 cm

Children with toy theatres Collectible Card
Publisher: H. Disqué Elephanten-Kaffee; J. Aberle & Co., Berlin; 857
Size: 8.9 x 12.8 cm

Children with toy theatres Collectible Card
Front Text: "Jouets. Les Guignols."
Publisher: Au Bon Marché, Paris
Size: 8.2 x 12.0 cm

Children with toy theatres Collectible Card
Front Text: "La Poupée chez Guignol"
Publisher: Chocolat Guérin-Boutron, Paris; Lith. J. Minot et Cie.
Size: 10.5 x 6.4 cm

Children with toy theatres Collectible Card
Front Text: "Plaisirs du Jeudi"
Publisher: Chocolat Guérin-Boutron, Paris; Lith. J. Minot et Cie.
Size: 10.6 x 6.4 cm

Children with toy theatres Collectible Card
Front Text: "Le Théâtre Guignol"
Publisher: Compagnie Liebig
Size: 10.6 x 7.1 cm

Children with toy theatres Collectible Card
Front Text: inscription on toy theatre: "Urania"
Publisher: Au Grand Marché, Nouveautés, Paris-Batignolles
Size: 10.8 x 7.1 cm

Children with toy theatres Collectible Card
Front Text: "Guignol chez soi"
Publisher: J. Jacquet Succr., Issouun
Size: 10.3 x 7.3 cm

Children with toy theatres Collectible Card
Publisher: Chocolat de l'Union, [Lyon]
Size: 10.8 x 7.5 cm

Children with toy theatres Handwritten Front Text: signed by "Tante Yette"
Publisher: ?; 404
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Children with toy theatres Front Text: "Au Théâtre", "Les jeux d'enfants"
Publisher: Phosphatine Falières
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Children with toy theatres Collectible Card
Front Text: "Les jouets modernes", "Le Théâtre"
Publisher: Chocolat du Planteur
Size: 10.5 x 6.5 cm

Children with toy theatres Handwritten Front Text: "Fröhliche Weihnachten"
Publisher: ?; 696
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Krems to Wien (Austria), 1903

Children with toy theatres Publisher: Alterocca, Terni; 2747
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Boën-sur-Lignon (France) to Beaujeu (France), 1905

Children with toy theatres Front Text: inscription: "Gaité"
Publisher: F. K.; No. 167
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Children with toy theatres Front Text: inscription: "Gai[té]"
Publisher: F. K.; No. 167
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Children with toy theatres Publisher: A.I.P.; 506
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Sent: from Nogent-sur-Marne to Paris, 1908

Children with toy theatres Picture: children playing with a hand puppet theatre
Publisher: Chocolat Lombart
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Children with toy theatres Picture: children with a hand puppet theatre
Front Text: "Le guignol."
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from France to Paris (France), 1903

Children with toy theatres Picture: child with a hand puppet theatre
Front Text: inscription: "Guignol"
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Sent: from Nocé to Préaux (France), 1904

Children with toy theatres Picture: child with a hand puppet theatre
Front Text: inscription: "Guignol"
Publisher: ?; S. 101
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: to Château-du-Loir (France), 1908

Children with toy theatres Picture: children playing with a hand puppet theatre
Publisher: S. Hildesheimer & Co. Ltd., London & Manchester; Printed in France; No. 5199
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: within London (England), 1906

Children with toy theatres Picture: children palying with an improvised hand puppet theatre; painting by Franziska Schenkel
Front Text: signed: Schenkel
Reverse Text: "Kinderleben: Kasperletheater"
Publisher: Kunstverlag Hans Friedrich Abshagen, Dresden; Nr. 818
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent (but addressed to Royan, France, possibly sent in an envelope).

Children with toy theatres Picture: children playing with a hand puppet theatre
Front Text: "Joyeux Noël"
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Ccâteauroux (France) to Chabris (France), 1913

Children with toy theatres Picture: children with a home hand puppet theatre
Publisher: N B C; S. L. J. F. F,; 3604/1
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Sent: from Madrid (Spain) to Paris (France), 1914
Children with toy theatres Picture: children with a home hand puppet theatre
Publisher: N B C; S. L. J. F. F,; 3604/4
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Sent: by German Forces' Postal Service, from Warszawa (Poland) to Berlin (Germany), 1917

Children with toy theatres Picture: children playing with a hand puppet theatre
Front Text: "Kasperle Theater", "Lotte Herrlich"
Publisher: Verlag Trautmann & von Seggern, Hamburg; Serie 123/1
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Children with toy theatres Sliding Card
Publisher: Au Bon Marché
Size: 14.5 x 9.4 cm, 22.0 x 9.4. cm (extracted as shown above)

Children with toy theatres Picture: children playing with a puppet theatre
Front Text: signed: Pauli Ebner
Publisher: AR; Nr. 1375
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: to Budapest (Hungary), 1929

Children with toy theatres Picture: girl and dolls watching a puppet theatre
Front Text: signed: Pauli Ebner
Publisher: DAGB; No. 2797
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Children with toy theatres Picture: children playing with a hand puppet theatre
Front Text: inscription: "Kasper-Theater"
Publisher: EAS; 315 15
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Not sent.
Children with toy theatres Picture: children playing with a hand puppet theatre
Front Text: inscription: "Kasper-Theater"
Publisher: EAS; 315 15
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Children with toy theatres Picture: children playing with a hand puppet theatre
Front Text: "One good 'turn' deserves another"
Publisher: W S S B; 7327/1
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Children with toy theatres Picture: children playing with a hand puppet theatre
Front Text: "Función teatral al aire libre", signed: Zsolt
Publisher: C M B; Serie No 46
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Children with toy theatres Picture: children playing with a hand puppet theatre
Front Text: "Seid ihr alles da?"; signed: Ursula Funcke
Publisher: Werner Wicke, Leipzig; (4) MDV Erasmusdruck Calbe 1992
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Children with toy theatres Picture: children playing with a marionette theatre
Publisher: Piccoli, Milano; 742/5
Size: Modern
Not sent.
Children with toy theatres Picture: children playing with a marionette theatre
Publisher: Piccoli, Milano; 742/6
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Children with toy theatres Picture: children playing with a puppet theatre
Publisher: Piccoli, Milano; 935/3
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Bali: Wayang toy theatre Reverse Text: "La Route des Jouets 1982. Bali (Indonésie). Un jouet initiatique: Le théâtre d'ombres"
Publisher: Recherches Graphiques, Goussainville (France)
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Children with toy theatres Front Text: "Opéra national de Paris", "Saison 2009-2010"
Reverse Text: advertising the 2009-2010 season of the Paris Opera
Publisher: Opéra national de Paris
Type: Advertisement Card
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Children with toy theatres Picture: children playing with a puppet theatre at home
Publisher: ?; CPE 2135; Printed in Belgium
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Children with toy theatres Picture: children playing with a puppet theatre at home
Reverse Text: "The Puppet Show, by Loui Jover"
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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