Architectural projects

Unbuilt architectural projects

See also: theatre models

Theatre for a Small City by Richard Morris Hunt Reverse Text: "Theatre for a Small City. Richard Morris Hunt (1827-1895). Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Project Rendu. Front elevation, 1851. Ink and watercolor on paper. The Prints and Drawings Collection of The Octagon Museum of The American Architectural Foundation."
Publisher: American Architectural Foundation, Petaluma CA
Type: 20th-century postcard reproduction of an 1851 drawing
Size: Modern
Not sent.

The following projects were designed for a specific place. Click on images for more details:

Hamburg: Stadttheater (project by Karl Friedrich Schinkel)
Stadttheater, Hamburg

Paris: Opera (1861 project)
Opéra, Paris

Wien: Volksoper (project)
Kaiser-Jubiläums-Stadttheater, Wien

Salzburg: Schloss Hellbrunn - Festspielhaus (project)
Festspielhaus Hellbrunn, Salzburg

Leoben: Theater (project)
Theater, Leoben

Praha: Osvobozene Divadlo (project)
Osvobozené Divadlo, Praha

Sarajevo: Dom Svante Ante (project)
Dom Svante Ante, Sarajevo

Skutec: Masarykuv Kulturni Dum (project)
Masarykův Kulturní Dům, Skuteč

Legnago: Teatro Salieri (project)
Teatro Salieri, Legnago

Istanbul: Theatre and Conservatory (project)
Theatre and Conservatory, Istanbul

Budapest: Nemzeti Szinhaz (project)
Nemzeti Színház, Budapest

Budapest: Nemzeti Szinhaz (project)
Nemzeti Színház, Budapest

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