Roccabianca: Teatro Arena del Sole

Country: Italy (Italia)
Region: Emilia-Romagna
City: Roccabianca
Location: Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi 24

Opened 29 Sep 1946 as an open-air theatre. Decorated with nine statues (1913-1922) by Ettore Ximenes from the remains of the Verdi monument in Parma that had been destroyed by bombs in May 1944. Later addition of a roof and installation of cinema technology. Used by the "Teatro di Ragazzola" company. 324 seats.

Links:, Wikipedia

Roccabianca: Teatro Arena del Sole Reverse Text: "Roccabianca (PR), Cinema Teatro Arena del Sole"
Publisher: Ed. Cartoleria Lotti; 56650
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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