Rieti: Teatro Flavio Vespasiano |
Country: Italy (Italia) Region: Lazio City: Rieti Location: Via Garibaldi 104 Built 1883-1893 by Achille Sfondrini. Opened 20 Sep 1893 with Pietro Mascagni's opera "Cavalleria Rusticana" and Charles Gounod's opera "Faust". Named in honour of the Roman emperor, Titus Flavius Vespasianus (9 AD-79 AD). 1898 damaged by an earthquake, subsequently repaired. 2005-2009 restorations. Links: www.comune.rieti.it, Wikipedia |
Picture: rear view Front Text: "Rieti - Parte poster. del Teatro" Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "Rieti", "Teatro Flavio Vespasiano (Palco scenico)" Publisher: Alterocca, Terni Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "Rieti - Teatro Flavio Vespasiano" Publisher: Ed. Giovanni Inches, Rieti; 36630 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Rieti, Teatro Flavio Vespasiano 1854" [sic!] Publisher: Multigraf, Terni; 123 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Rieti, Teatro Flavio Vespasiano. Arch. Achille Slfondrini. Theātre Flavio Vespasiano. Architecte Achille Sfondrin. Flavio Vespasiano Theatre. Architect Achille Sfondrini. Flavio Vespasiano Theater. Baumeister Achille Sfondrini. Publisher: ?; 56 Size: Modern Sent: to Genova, 1972 |
Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/2429 |