Piacenza: Teatro Municipale

Country: Italy (Italia)
Region: Emilia-Romagna
City: Piacenza
Location: Via Verdi 41 / Piazza San Antonio

Built 1803-1804 by Lotario Tomba for a private society of aristocrats. Opened 1804 with Johann Simon Mayr's "Zamori, ossia L'eroe dell'Indie". Ceded to the city of Piacenza in 1816. 1826 renovations by Alessandro Sanquirico. 1857 interior redecoration by Girolamo Magnani. 1857-1859 extension of foyers. 1938 conversion of the 3rd and 4th box tiers to galleries. Modernization of stage technology during the 20th century. Used for opera, drama and ballet performances as well as for concerts. Ca. 1100 seats.

Notable world premieres:

  • Amilcare Ponchielli: Roderigo, re dei Goti (26 Dec 1863)

Link: www.teatripiacenza.it

Piacenza: Teatro Municipale Front Text: "Piacenza - Teatro Municipale"
Publisher: Editore Vittorio Porta
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Piacenza to Bologna, 1938

Piacenza: Teatro Municipale Front Text: "Piacenza, Teatro Municipale"
Reverse Text: "Piacenza, Théâtre de la Ville, Town's Theatre, Stadttheater"
Publisher: M. M. P.
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Sent: from Piacenza to Firenze, 1960

Piacenza: Teatro Municipale Reverse Text: "Piacenza, Teatro Municipale, Théâtre Municipal, Town Theatre, Gemeindetheater"
Publisher: Ed. Succ. Molinari; 0104
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Piacenza: Teatro Municipale Reverse Text: "Piacenza, Interno Teatro Comunale, Inside of the Communal Theatre, Intérieur du Théâtre Communal, Innere des Gemeindetheater"
Publisher: Garioni, Piacenza; N. 9085
Size: Modern
Sent: to Fiareggio [postmark without date]

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/2405