Parma: Teatro Regio |
Country: Italy (Italia) Region: Emilia-Romagna City: Parma Location: Via Garibaldi 16/A Built 1821-1829 as "Nuovo Teatro Ducale" by Nicola Bettoli for Maria Luigia, Duchess of Parma and Piacenza, at the site of a previous theatre ("Teatro Ducale" built 1687, rebuilt 1760, demolished in the early 1800s). Painted curtain by G. B. Borghesi. Opened 16 May 1829 with Vincenzo Bellini's "Zaira". Renamed "Teatro Regio" in August 1849. 1853 renovations and alterations. 1300 seats. Currently used for an annual opera season (September to May) and the annual Verdi Opera Festival (July to October). Notable world premieres:
Front Text: "Facciata del R. Teatro di Parma" Reverse Text: "Facciata (1829) - Facciata del Teatro costruito su incarico di Maria Luigia da Nicola Bettoli, architetto di corte - Facade (1829) - Facade of the Theatre commissioned by Maria Luigia to court architect Nicola Bettoli" Publisher: C.d.O., Parma Type: modern reproduction of an 1829 image Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Interno (1829) - Interno del Teatro nella versione inaugurale con il sipario di G. B. Borghesi - Interior (1829) Interior of the Theatre in its inaugural version with curtain by G. B. Borghesi" Publisher: C.d.O., Parma Type: modern reproduction of an 1829 image Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Acquerelli (1821) Disegni di Paolo Toschi per i palchetti ed il soffito - Watercolours (1821) Drwaings by Paolo Toschi for the balconies and for the ceiling" Publisher: C.d.O., Parma Type: modern reproduction of an 1821 drawing Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Volta della Platea (1821) Disegno del soffitto di Paolo Toschi von figurazioni di G. B. Borghesi - Volt of the audience (1821) Design of the ceiling by Paolo Toschi with figures by G. B. Borghesi" Publisher: C.d.O., Parma Type: modern reproduction of an 1821 image Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Bozzetti (1853) - Decorazione dei palchetti di Gaetano Croce nella riconstruzione dela sala del 1853 - Sketches (1853) Deoration of the balconies by Gaetano Croce after the refurbishment of 1853" Publisher: C.d.O., Parma Type: modern reproduction of an 1853 drawing Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Astrolampo (1853) Grandioso lampadario a gocce di cristallo uscito dalle parigine offinice Lacarrère - Astrolamp (1853) Magnificent crystal chandelier from the Lacarrière factory in Paris" Publisher: C.d.O., Parma Type: modern reproduction of an 1853 image Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: above: Giuseppe Verdi, below: Teatro Regio, right: advertisement for Verdi performances in September/October 1913 Front Text: "Teatro Regio Parmia", "Onoranze a Giuseppe Verdi nel primo centenario della sua nascita 1813 - 1913 [...]" Reverse Text: "Manifesto per il centenario della nascita di Giuseppe Verdi al Teatro Regio di Parma (1913) - Poster for the centenial celebrations of the birth of Giuseppe Verdi held at the Teatro Regio in Parma (1913)" Publisher: C.d.O., Parma Type: modern reproduction of a 1913 poster Size: Modern Not sent. |
Front Text: "Parma, Interno Regio Teatro" Publisher: Casa Editrice Luigi Battei, Parma Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
Front Text: "Parma, Via G. Garibaldi e Teatro Regio" Publisher: Ed. Variati, Parma Type: Real Photo Size: Modern Sent: from Parma to Genova, 1955 |
Front Text: "Parma, Interno Teatro Regio" Publisher: Ed. G. Ferrari, Parma Type: Real Photo Size: Modern Sent: from Parma to Padova, 1956 |
Front Text: "Parma - Teatro Regio - Interno" Publisher: Ediz. Dante Bozzini, Parma Type: Real Photo Size: Modern Sent: from Parma to Firenze, 1956 |
Front Text: "Parma" Publisher: Ed. Cooperativa fra Tabaccai di Parma; 15618 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Parma - Teatro Regio, Royal Opera House, Théâtre Royal, Königliches Opernhaus" Publisher: Fotocolor; 7825 Size: Modern Sent: from Parma to Favignana, 1966 |
Reverse Text: "Parma - Teatro Regio, Royal Theatre, Théâtre Royal, Königstheater" Publisher: Ediz. S. B., Parma; 15307 Size: Modern Sent: from Parma to Paris (France) [no postmark] |
Reverse Text: "Parma, Teatro Regio, Théâtre Royal, Royal Theatre, Königliches Theater" Size: Modern Sent: from Fraore to Aurich (Germany), 1977 |
Reverse Text: "Parma, Interno Teatro Regio, Royal Theatre inside, L'interieur du Théâtre royal, Das Innern des koeniglichen Theaters" Publisher: Ed. B. Salvarani, Parma; 11 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Front Text: "Parma - Teatro Regio, Sipario del Pittore G. B. Borghesi (1829) - Théâtre Royal, Rideau par le peintre G. B. Borghesi (1829) - Royal Theatre, Courtain by painter G. B. Borghesi (1829) - Koeniglicher Theater, Vorhang bei Mahler G. B. Borghesi (1829)" [sic!] Publisher: Ediz. Margini, Parma; PA 16/39 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: Giuseppe Verdi, Teatro Regio Reverse Text: "Il Melodramma e il Teatro Lirico Italiano" Publisher: Poste Italiane, Divisione Filatelia; 2001 Type: Maximum Card (Italy, 27 Jan 2001) Size: Modern Not sent. |
Front Text: "Teatro Regio di Parma, Stagione Lirica Invernale 2002" Reverse Text: promoting the winter 2001/2002 opera season Publisher: Teatro Regio, Parma Type: Advertisment Card Size: Modern Not sent. |
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