Lecce: Teatro Massimo

Country: Italy (Italia)
Region: Puglia
City: Lecce
Location: Viale Francesco Lo Re 3 / Via Guglielmo Marconi

Cinema, also known as "Multisala Massimo".

Links: www.multisalamassimo.it, Wikidata

Lecce: Teatro Massimo Front Text: "Lecce - Teatro Massimo"
Publisher: Ediz. Cartoleria De Vergori, Lecce
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Lecce: Teatro Massimo Front Text: "Lecce di notte - Teatro Massimo"
Publisher: Ediz. DV. B., Lecce; 18619
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Sent: from Lecce to Molfetta [stamp and postmark rremoved]

Lecce: Teatro Massimo Front Text: "Lecce", above, left: "Teatro 'Massimo' e via Manzoni", below, left: "Interno teatro 'Massimo'", right: "Interno teatro 'Massimo'"
Publisher: Ed. DV. B., Lecce
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Sent: from Lecce to Bari, 1964
Lecce: Teatro Massimo

Lecce: Teatro Massimo

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/2344