L'Aquila: Cinema Teatro Massimo

Country: Italy (Italia)
Region: Abruzzo
City: L'Aquila
Location: Corso Federico II / Via Sant'Agostino

Cinema. Closed after the earthquake of 2009.

Link: Wikidata

L'Aquila: Cinema Teatro Massimo Reverse Text: "L'Aquila - Corso Federico II - Cinema Teatro Massimo"
Publisher: Foto-Stampa Angeli, Terni; 182
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Not sent.

L'Aquila: Cinema Teatro Massimo Front Text: "L'Aquila - Portico del Cinema Massimo"
Publisher: Fotocelere, Torino
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/7394