Firenze: Anfiteatro di Boboli |
Country: Italy (Italia) Region: Toscana City: Firenze Location: Giardino di Boboli (the gardens of Palazzo Pitti) Open-air park theatre. Opened in the 16th century. 1618 rebuildings. Link: Wikipedia |
Front Text: "Firenze", "Giardino di Boboli, L'Anfiteatro" Publisher: Stengel &: Cie., Dresda (Dresden); 11 364 Type: Undivided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Firenze to Paris (France), 1899 |
Front Text: "Firenze - Giardino di Boboli - Anfiteatro (particolare)" Publisher: Edit. Ugo Magnaini, Firenze; Fotocelere, Torino; 1944 Type: Real Photo Size: Modern Not sent. |
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