Ferrara: Teatro Comunale Claudio Abbado |
Country: Italy (Italia) Region: Emilia-Romagna City: Ferrara Location: Corso Martiri della Libertà 5 Built 1773-1797 by Antonio Foschini and Cosimo Morelli. 2014 renamed in honour of the Italian conductor, Claudio Abbado (1933-2014). 990 seats. |
Picture: background: Teatro Comunale Front Text: "Ferrara, Particolare del Castello Estense e Teatro Comunale" Publisher: Ed. V. M. F., Ferrara Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Sent: from Ferrara to Comacchio [date illegible] |
Reverse Text: "Ferrara, Teatro Comunale - Interno - Arch. Antonio Foschini (sec. XVIII), Town Opera House (XVIII century) by Arch. Antonio Foschini - Inside View, Théâtre Communal - Intérieur - Arch. Antonio Foschini (XVIII siècle), Städt. Opernhaus von Arch. Antonio Foschini (18. Jhdt.) - Innenansicht" Publisher: Alterocca, Terni; 21088 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Ferrara, Teatro Comunale - Interno, Théâtre Communal - Intérieur, Municipal Theatre - Interior, Gemeindtheater - Innere" [sic!] Publisher: Ediz. F. M. F. Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Ferrara, Ridotto del Teatro Comunale - Arch. Antonio Foschini" Publisher: Marchi & Marchi, San Giovanni in Marignano Size: Modern Not sent. |
Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/2325 |