Wörlitz: Parktheater

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Sachsen-Anhalt
District: Landkreis Wittenberg
City: Wörlitz
Location: Wörlitzer Park; Insel Stein

Open-air park theatre near the artificial volcano "Vesuv von Wörlitz" on the island "Insel Stein", built in the 18th century.

Link: Wikipedia

Woerlitz: Parktheater Picture: below, right: theatre performance
Front Text: "Landschaftspark Wörlitz"
Reverse Text: "Palmengarten mit Blick zum Floratempel, Schloß, Parktheater 'Insel Stein'"
Publisher: Bild und Heimat, Reichenbach (Vogtl.); III/26/13 A1/333/78-280333 01 08 0131
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/6328