Rathenow: Haveltorkino

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Brandenburg
District: Landkreis Havelland
City: Rathenow
Location: Vor dem Haveltor 1

Cinema, opened ca. 1918 as "Biograph-Theater". In the 1930s renamed "Bellevue-Lichtspiele". In the early 1950s renamed "Lichtspielhaus Aktivist". 1997 renamed "Haveltor-Kinos", since 2009: "Haveltorkino".

Links: KinoWiki, Wikidata

Rathenow: Haveltorkino Front Text: inscription on left building: "VE Kreislichtspielbetriebe", letters on right building: "Aktivist", poster: advertising the 1950 film "Vulcano"
Publisher: VEB Volkskunstverlag Reichenbach i. V.; A 246/54/DDR 57/974/4106; 18/55
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/2071