Pocking: Rottgau-Theater

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Bayern
District: Landkreis Passau
City: Pocking
Location: St.-Ulrich-Straße 9

Cinema, opened 10 Sep 1938 as "Rottgau-Theater".300 seats. 1954 extension (500 seats). 1991 renamed "Filmpalast Pocking". Closed 2010. Demolished in favour of residential buildings.

Link: Wikidata

Pocking: Rottgau-Theater Front Text: "Pocking", "Modernstes Filmtheater der Bayer. Ostmark", inscription: "Rottgau Theater"
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: by German Forces' Postal Service, from Scharding to Wien (Austria), 1941

Permanent link: http://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/8098