Niesky: Kulturhaus Herbert Balzer

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Sachsen
District: Landkreis Görlitz
City: Niesky
Location: Muskauer Straße 21

Built 1870 as "Gasthof zum Stern". 1899 extension by a multi-purpose hall. Since 1913 also used as a cinema ("Stern-Lichtspiele"). 1935 rebuildings. 1936 extension of the cienma hall. In GDR times used as a restaurant and house of culture, named after the German politician, Herbert Balzer (1897-1945). Closed after 1990 and converted into commercial space.

Links: KinoWiki, Wikidata

Niesky: Kulturhaus Herbert Balzer Front Text: sign: "Kulturhaus Herbert Balzer"
Reverse Text: "Niesky (Oberlausitz), Kulturhaus 'Herbert Balzer'"
Publisher: VEB Bild und Heimat, Reichenbach i. V.; A 1/II 504/70 IV-14-45 12/4768
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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