Magdeburg: Stadthalle

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Sachsen-Anhalt
City: Magdeburg
Location: Kulturpark Rotehorn, Heinrich-Heine-Platz 1

Built 1926-1927 by Johannes Göderitz for the "Deutsche Theaterausstellung" theatre exhibition. Opened 1 June 1927. 1928 installation of a concert organ (131 registers, ca. 10,000 pipes). Destroyed by bombs in 1945. Subsequently rebuilt to simplified plans. Originally 3500 seats, today 2134 seats (+ 204 seats in the smaller "Blüthnersaal").

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Magdeburg: Stadthalle Front Text: "Magdeburg, Stadthalle mit Turm"
Publisher: No. 1601 Buntdruck II
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Magdeburg: Stadthalle Front Text: "Magdeburg, Stadthalle "
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
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Magdeburg: Stadthalle Reverse Text: "Magdeburg, Stadthalle"
Publisher: Bild und Heimat, Reichenbach (Vogtl.); V 11 50 A 1/B 546/77 01 07 32 089
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
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