Lüneburg: Nordlandhalle

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Niedersachsen
District: Landkreis Lüneburg
City: Lüneburg
Location: Friedensstraße / Bei der Ratsmühle

Multi-purpose hall. Built in the 1970s. Up to 1850 seats. Closed in the 2000s. Demolished in 2012 (with only the hall's multi-storey car park remaining).

Link: Wikidata

Lueneburg: Nordlandhalle Picture: water tower and Nordlandhalle
Reverse Text: "Lüneburg, Nordland-Halle"
Publisher: Cramers Kunstanstalt KG, Dortmund; Lün 571; 73/5
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/2002