Lauta: Kulturhaus Laubusch

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Sachsen
District: Landkreis Bautzen
City: Lauta
Location: Laubusch / Lubuš; Hauptstraße 10

House of culture, built 1925 as a community centre of the "Kolonie Laubusch" settlement. In GDR times, known as "Kulturhaus des VEB Braunkohlenwerk John Schehr", named after the German politician, John Schehr (1896-1934).

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Lauta: Kulturhaus Laubusch Reverse Text: "Laubusch (Krs. Hoyerswerda), Kulturhaus des VEB BKW 'John Schehr'. Lubuš (wokrj. Wojerecy), Kulturny dom VEB BKW 'John Schehr'"
Publisher: VEB Bild und Heimat, Reichenbach i. V.; Best.-Nr. 6/770; V 11 28 A 246/59 DDR
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Sent: from Laubusch to Leipzig, 1961

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