Herne: Stadthalle Wanne-Eickel

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Nordrhein-Westfalen
City: Herne
Location: Wanne, Kurhausstraße (Göbenstraße) / Hauptstraße (Viktoriastraße), next to the "Löwenkirche" (Pfarrkirche St. Joseph)

Built 1925 by Bruno Lehmann. Opened 26 July 1925. Nicknamed "Käseglocke". Ca. 925 seats for performances, up to 1200 seats for banquets. Destroyed by a fire on 17 Jan 1942. Remains later demolished.

Links: www.wanne-eickel-historie.de, Wikidata

Herne: Stadthalle Wanne-Eickel Front Text: "Wanne. Stadthalle"
Publisher: Verlag Heinz Brill, Eickel-Wanne; 25 2321
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Wanne to Ansbach, 1926

Herne: Stadthalle Wanne-Eickel Front Text: "Wanne-Eickel, Stadthalle u. Josephskirche"
Publisher: ?; Bromsilber-Imitation 3515/5115
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Hansweert (Netherlands) to Antwerpen (Belgium), 1936

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/3314