Herford: Stadttheater

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Nordrhein-Westfalen
District: Kreis Herford
City: Herford
Location: Mindener Straße 11 / Hansastraße / Bruchstraße

Built 1961. 692 seats. Used as a guest venue for opera, operetta, musical and drama performances by touring companies. Also used for classical and popular concerts.

Links: www.theater.herford.de, Wikipedia

Herford: Stadttheater Reverse Text: "Herford in Westfalen - Theater"
Publisher: Hans Wagner, Vlotho; A 108042
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Sent: from Herford to Oldenburg i. O., 1964

Herford: Stadttheater Reverse Text: "Herford i. Westf. - Theater"
Publisher: Cramers Kunstanstalt, Dortmund; Cekade Her 507 63/5
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Herford: Stadttheater Front Text: "Herford in Westfalen", "Lübbertor", "Bergertor (Werre)", "Mindener Straße", "Stadttheater und Ravensberger Gymnasium"
Reverse Text: "490 Herford in Westfalen"
Publisher: Verlag Foto Wagner, Vlotho; M 101 195; 399
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/1911