Hannover: Vereinigte Theater-Lichtspiele

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Niedersachsen
District: Region Hannover
City: Hannover
Location: Hildesheimer Straße 11

Cinema, built 1912 for Hagen & Sander KG. 1922 renmaed "UFA-Lichtspiele". 1042 seats. Demolished ca. 1930/1931 in favour of the municipal library building.

[Not identical with cinema of the same name, operated by the same company in the former Metropoltheater in Oberstraße 7.].

Link: Wikidata

Hannover: Vereinigte Theater-Lichtspiele Reverse Text: "Vereinigte Theater-Lichtspiele, Inh. Hagen & Sander, Hannover, Hildesheimerstr. 11"
Publisher: Urania Graphisches Institut, Berlin; 10786
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/1893