Hamburg: Sagebiels Etablissement |
Country: Germany (Deutschland) State: Hamburg City: Hamburg Location: Neustadt, Dragonerstall 14-15 / Johannes-Brahms-Platz Event and multi-purpose hall complex, built 1862 by J. H. M. Brekelbaum. Rebuildings and extensions in 1870/1871, 1878, 1883 and 1886 (by Martin Haller). Destroyed in World War II (?). Link: Wikidata |
Front Text: "Theater-Saal mit grosser Bühne, Parterre, 250 Pers. fassend", "Marmor-Saal mit Podium, I. Etage, 150 Pers. fassend", "Schweizer-Saal mit grosser Bühne, I. Etage, 150 Pers. fassend" Publisher: W. B. L. H.; 11044 Type: Divided Back Size: Classic Not sent. |
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