Hamburg: Lessing-Theater

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Hamburg
City: Hamburg
Location: Neustadt, Gänsemarkt 45

Cinema, opened 1913. Named in honour of the German playwright, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781). Demolished 1955 in favour of a new cinema "Ufa-Palast am Gänsemarkt" (demolished 2007 in favour of a commercial building).

Link: Wikidata

Hamburg: Lessing-Theater Picture: left, foreground: Lessing-Theater, middle, background: Deutschlandhaus with Ufa-Palast
Front Text: poster: advertising Pola Negri in the 1919 film "Madame Dubarry"
Reverse Text: "Hansestadt Hamburg, Gänsemarkt"
Publisher: Schöning & Co., Lübeck
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Not sent.
Hamburg: Lessing-Theater

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