Freital: Capitol

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Sachsen
District: Landkreis Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge
City: Freital
Location: Dresdner Straße 161 (Obere Dresdner Straße 19)

Cinema, opened 1927 as "Capitol". Ca. 1966 renamed "Filmtheater Maxim Gorki" in honour of the Soviet writer, Maxim Gorky. After 1990 renamed "Capitol" and used as a discotheque. Damaged by flood in 2002. Subsequently renovated. Re-opened 1 Oct 2004 as a cinema. Closed 2011.

Links: KinoWiki, Wikidata

Freital: Capitol Front Text: "Freital", marquee: advertising the film "Romeo und Julia" (possibly the 1983 DEFA film "Romeo and Julia auf dem Dorfe")
Reverse Text: "An der Wilden Weißenitz; Filmtheater 'Maxim Gorki'; Rathaus; Blick vom Krähenhügel auf den Ort"
Publisher: Bild und Heimat, Reichenbach; A1/III/26/13 01 12 1140/05; 380864/87
Size: Modern
Not sent.
Freital: Capitol

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