Duisburg: Theater am Marientor

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Nordrhein-Westfalen
City: Duisburg
Location: Plessingstraße 20 / Heerstraße

Built 1995 by Helmut Kohl (an architect based in Duisburg) for Stella AG. Opened as "Musical-Theater Duisburg". From 1996-Nov 1999 used for performances of the musical "Les Misérables". 1999 bought by a municipal real estate agency and renamed "Theater am Marientor". 1540 seats. Used for touring performances, various shows and concerts, and as a TV studio. 2005-2007 and 2012-2016 used as an interim home of the Duisburger Philharmoniker ochestra.

Links: www.theater-am-marientor.de, Wikipedia

Duisburg: Theater am Marientor Front Text: "Musical-Theater Duisburg", poster: advertising the musical "Les Misérables"
Reverse Text: "Das Musical-Theater Duisburg zeigt achtmal pro Woche den Musicalwelterfolg 'Les Misérables'. Informationen und Tickets: Stadtinformation, Königstr. 53, 47051 Duisburg [...]"
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/3288