Düsseldorf: Tonhalle (new)

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Nordrhein-Westfalen
City: Düsseldorf
Location: Ehrenhof 1

Built 1925-1926 by Wilhelm Kreis as "Rheinhalle", a planetarium and multi-purpose hall as a part of the "Ehrenhof" complex of the Düsseldorf tradefair area (which was originally built for the 1926 "Gesolei - Gesundheitspflege, soziale Fürsorge und Leibesübungen" exposition). Severly damaged in World War II. Re-opened 1954 as a multi-purpose hall. 1975-1978 converted into a concert hall by Helmut Hentrich (acoustics consultant: Heinrich Keilholz). Re-opened 1978 as "Tonhalle". Home to the "Düsseldorfer Symphoniker" orchestra. 1933 seats.

The "Grünes Gewölbe" brick caves of the original Rheinhalle have survived all rebuildings. They are currently used for art exhibitions by the Düsseldorf Kunstmuseum.

Links: www.tonhalle-duesseldorf.de, Wikipedia

Duesseldorf: Tonhalle (new) Reverse Text: "Düsseldorf, Rheinhalle (Planetarium) mit Ehrenhof (Entwurf Prof. Kreis)"
Publisher: August Gunkel Kunstverlag, Düsseldorf; Nr. 1859
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Duesseldorf: Tonhalle (new) Reverse Text: "Düsseldorf, Planetarium und Ausstellungsgelände"
Publisher: Hans Andres Verlag, Hamburg
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Sent: from Duisburg to Bellefosse (France), 1956

Duesseldorf: Tonhalle (new) Reverse Text: "4000 Düsseldorf, Tonhalle mit Pallas-Athene, Music Hall with Palas Athene, Hall de musique avec Pallas Athene"
Publisher: Grußkarten-Verlag Deutsch, Schwalbach/Saar
Size: Modern
Sent: from Düsseldorf to Beograd (Yuogoslavia), 1979

Duesseldorf: Tonhalle (new) Reverse Text: "4000 Düsseldorf, Tonhalle bei Nacht, Music Hall at night, Hall de musique la nuit"
Publisher: Grußkarten-Verlag Deutsch, Schwalbach/Saar
Size: Modern
Sent: from Düsseldorf to Friedberg/Hessen, 1979

Duesseldorf: Tonhalle (new) Reverse Text: "4000 Düsseldorf am Rhein, Tonhalle mit Ehrenhof"
Publisher: Krapohl-Verlag, Grevenbroich
Size: Modern
Sent: from Düsseldorf to Magdeburg, 1990

Duesseldorf: Tonhalle (new) Reverse Text: "Messestadt Düsseldorf: Tonhalle."
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Duesseldorf: Tonhalle (new) Picture: left, above: Schauspielhaus, left, below: Tonhalle
Front Text: "Düsseldorf", "Schauspielhaus", "Tonhalle", [...]
Publisher: Mein Einkaufsbahnhof; Städte-Grußkarte mit Motiv von Jacques Tilly
Size: 20.3 x 10.5 cm
Not sent.

Duesseldorf: Tonhalle (new) Front Text: "Wie wär's mit Ihnen auf der Bühne?" "Tonhalle Düsseldorf. Einfach fühlen"
Reverse Text: advertising the "Publikumsorchester"
Publisher: Tonhalle, Düsseldorf; 2023
Type: Advertising Card, not designed for postal use
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/1799