Dresden: Opernhaus am Zwinger

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Sachsen
City: Dresden
Location: southern end of the Zwinger

Built 1718-1719 by Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann. 2000 seats. 1738 rebuilding by Andrea Zucchi. 1749-1750 exentsion by Giuseppe Galli da Bibiena. 1760 damaged by warfare. From 1782 used as a concert hall and ballroom. Destroyed by a fire in 1849.

Notable world premieres:

  • Antonio Lotti: Teofane (13 Sep 1719)
  • Johann Adolph Hasse: Cleofide (13 Sep 1731)
  • Johann Adolph Hasse: Der erkennte Cyrus (20 Jan 1751)
  • Johann Adolph Hasse: Adriano in Siria (17 Jan 1752)
  • Johann Adolph Hasse: Solimano (5 Feb 1753)
  • Johann Adolph Hasse:: L'Olimpiade (16 Feb 1756)

Links: EUTA, Wikipedia

Dresden: Opernhaus am Zwinger Picture: "Großes Konzert der Königl. Hofkapelle im Saale des Großen Opernhauses zu Dresden", 1812
Publisher: Zazzle
Type: 2021 reproduction of an 1812 painting
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Permanent link: http://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/8052