Dingolfing: Stadthalle

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Bayern
District: Landkreis Dingolfing-Landau
City: Dingolfing
Location: Dr.-Josef-Hastreiter-Straße 2

Multi-purpose hall, built 1983 as part of a complex with the town hall and a youth centre.

Links: www.dingolfing.de, Wikidata

Dingolfing: Stadthalle Picture: below, right: Stadthalle
Front Text: "Dingolfing"
Reverse Text: "8312 Dingolfing a. d. Isar (Niederbayern)"
Publisher: Feuerpfeil Verlags GmbH, Bayreuth; L 2106
Size: Modern
Not sent.
Dingolfing: Stadthalle

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/6451