Berlin: Wilhelmshallen / UFA-Palast am Zoo

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Berlin
City: Berlin
Location: Charlottenburg, Hardenbergstraße 29

Built 1905-1906 by Carl Gause in neo-Romanesque style as an exposition hall complex, named "Wihlelmshallen", also known as "Ausstellungshallen am Zoo". 1912 converted into a variety theatre and cinema, first named "Palasttheater am Zoo". 1913-1914 named "Cines-Palast". 1919 rebuilding and extension of the cinema by Max Bischoff for UFA, re-opened 18 Sep 1919 as named "UFA-Palast am Zoo". 1740 seats. Destroyed by bombs on 23 Nov 1943. Remains demolished in 1955 in favour of the cinema "Zoo-Palast".

Links: CinemaTreasures, Wikipedia: Wilhelmshallen, Wikipedia: Ufa-Palast am Zoo

Berlin: Wilhelmshallen / UFA-Palast am Zoo Reverse Text: "Varieté und Kabarett Wilhelmshallen am Zoo, Berlin. Inh. Dir. Richard Klempt."
Publisher: ?; 75992 kH
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Berlin: Wilhelmshallen / UFA-Palast am Zoo Picture: left: UFA-Palast am Zoo
Front Text: "Berlin. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche"
Publisher: Georg Klemm, Ansichtskarten-Verlag, Berlin; Klemm-Bütten Nr. 629/38 6941
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

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