Berlin: Noacks Theater

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Berlin
City: Berlin
Location: Mitte, Brunnenstraße 16

Variety theatre. From 1906 used as a cinema named "Noack-Lichtspiele". Destroyed by bombs in 1943. Remains subsequently demolished in favour of the urban park "Volkspark am Weinberg".

Links: KinoWiki, Wikidata

Berlin: Noacks Theater Front Text: "Gruß aus Noack's Theater (Direktion Robert Dill), Berlin N. 54, Brunnenstr. 16"
Handwritten Front Text: "Viele Grüße vom Vergnügen sendet Ihnen [...]"
Publisher: Zander & Labisch, Phot., Berlin; 1903
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: within Berlin, 1907

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