Berlin: Kosmos

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Berlin
City: Berlin
Location: Friedrichshain, Karl-Marx-Allee 131a

Cinema, built 1960-1962 as "Filmtheater Kosmos" by Josef Kaiser and Herbert Aust. 1996 extension by a multiplex cinema by Konrad Beckmnann with Dirk Jost. The complex now includes the original cinema (1001 seats) and 9 other screens with 2400 seats. Re-opened 18 Dec 1996 as "Kosmos UFA-Palast". 2005 converted into a multi-purpose event venue.

Links:, Kinokompendium, AlleKinos, KinoWiki, CinemaTreasures, Wikipedia

Berlin: Kosmos Front Text: inscription: "Filmtheaer Kosmos"
Reverse Text: "Berlin - Hauptstadt der DDR - Karl-Marx-Allee, Filmtheater Kosmos"
Publisher: VEB Bild und Heimat, Reichenbach i. V.; III/26/13 A 1/274/64
Size: Modern
Sent: within Berlin, 1965

Berlin: Kosmos Reverse Text: "Berlin - Hauptstadt der DDR - Karl-Marx-Allee, Filmtheater Kosmos. Berlin, Alleya Karla Marksa - Kinoteatr Kosmos. Karl-Marx-Allee - Cinema Kosmos. Karl-Marx-Allé - Biografen Kosmos. L'avenue Karl-Marx - Le théâtre Kosmos"
Publisher: Graphokopie H. Sander KG, Berlin; A 1492; B 8/65
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Not sent.

For another postcard of this cinema, see Berlin: Cards showing various theatres.

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