Berlin: Internationales Congress Centrum (ICC)

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Berlin
City: Berlin
Location: Westend, Messedamm

Convention centre and multi-purpose event location, built 1975-1979 by Ralf Schüler and Ursulina Schüler-Witte. Closed 2014. Listed as a heritage site in 2019.

Link: Wikipedia

Berlin: Internationales Congress Centrum (ICC) Front Text: "Internationales Congress Centrum Berlin"
Publisher: Krüger 31. 921.530 270 997
Size: Modern
Sent: from Berlin to Kassel, 1983

Berlin: Internationales Congress Centrum (ICC) Front Text: "ICC Berlin"
Reverse Text: "1000 Berlin. ICC Berlin. Internationals Congress Centrum Berlin"
Publisher: ?; B 30
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Berlin: Internationales Congress Centrum (ICC) Reverse Text: "Berlin. Internationales Congress Centrum"
Publisher: Krüger; 31.921.531 270 883
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Berlin: Internationales Congress Centrum (ICC) Front Text: "Avus, Deutschlandhalle, Teufelsberg, Messe-Hallen, Havel, Congress-Centrum, Funkturm, Messe-Eingang, Spandau, Olympia-Stadion, SFB"
Reverse Text: "Berlin"
Publisher: Schöning & Co. + Gebrüder Schmidt, Lübeck; Schilkus; B 1/6202
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Berlin: Internationales Congress Centrum (ICC) Reverse Text: "Berlin, Blick vom Funkturm auf das Internationale Congress Centrum"
Publisher: Ullstein
Size: Modern
Sent: from Berlin to Leipzig, 1989

Berlin: Internationales Congress Centrum (ICC) Front Text: "Internationales Congress Centrum Berlin"
Publisher: Schöning & Co. + Gebrüder Schmidt, Lübeck; Schilkus
Size: Modern
Sent: from Berlin to Tanger (Morocco), 1980

Berlin: Internationales Congress Centrum (ICC) Reverse Text: "Berlin, ICC; Kongreßsaal 'Saal der 5000'"
Publisher: Kunst und Bild, Berlin; C 3035
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Berlin: Internationales Congress Centrum (ICC) Reverse Text: "Berlin, Internationales Congress Centrum, Saal der 5000"
Publisher: Kunst und Bild, Berlin; C 3054
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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