Berlin: Hansa-Theater

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Berlin
City: Berlin
Location: Tiergarten, Alt-Moabit 48

Built 1888 as a performance and assembly hall for the "Berliner Kronenbrauerei" brewery (424 seats + 1364 standing). 1889 renamed "Stadttheater Moabit". Used for popular farces, operetta and contemporary drama performances. 1923 converted into a cinema, renamed "Filmpalast Hansa" (800 seats). 1963 re-converted into a theatre proper for Paul Esser. Renamed "Schauspielhaus Hansa". Used for popular theatre performances. 1974 renamed "Hansa-Theater". 1989 renamed "Berlins Volkstheater Hansa". Used for revues and popular drama performances. Closed Feb 2002 for financial reasons. Re-opened Aug 2002 as "Hansa-Theater" by André Freyni. Used for popular drama and operetta performances. 500 seats. Closed 2005. Later occasionally opened for gala performances.

Link: Wikipedia

Berlin: Hansa-Theater Front Text: "Gruss vom Stadt-Theater - Berlin N. W. - Alt Moabit 48 - Oekon.: L. Limbourg", "Theater-Saal"
Publisher: Verlag Hartwig & Vogel's Automaten, Berlin W.
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Berlin to Suhl, 1903

Berlin: Hansa-Theater Ticket (9 Feb 2003)

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