Berlin: Chamäleon Varieté

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Berlin
City: Berlin
Location: Mitte, Rosenthaler Str. 40-41 / Hackescher Markt (Hackesche Höfe)

Built 1904 -1906 as a part of the "Hackesche Höfe" complex. Originally used as one of two concert halls and ballrooms, known as "Neumannsche Festsäle". Art-deco decoration by August Endell. Later renamed "Imperial" and used as cinema. Later used as rehearsal stage by the DFF television network. Since the 1990s, renamed "Chamäeon" and used as a variety theatre.

Links:, Wikipedia

Berlin: Hackesche Hoefe Kino Picture: right: entrance to the Filmtheater Hackesche Höfe cinema and the Chamäleon Varieté
Front Text: "Hackesche Höfe im Scheunenvierte, Mitte", sign over entrance: "Filmtheater & Varieté"
Publisher: Harenberg-Kalender Berlin; Foto: Max Galli
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Berlin: Chamaeleon Variete Front Text: "Berlin - Chamäleon"
Reverse Text: "Chamäleon - (c) Rudolf Stussi"
Publisher: JOKER edition, Berlin
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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